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Official Mugen Tournament Thread by PRB


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It is official ladies and gentleman!!!   A MUEGN TOURNEY IS HERE! No AI, real people! Hopefully, you will find these videos enjoyable and fun! I shall try to upload the matches from the tournament at least daily. Feel free to comment here on the thread or in the video. Thanks and I hope you enjoy! :heeee:

MATCH 1: Tobii (Team Ky, Dante, Nero) vs Soul-Blood (Team Wolverine, Cloud, Spiderman)




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People in my shcoll signed up in the tourney and we just did a random bracket. These matcehs were pre-recorded, but where live at the time. Everyday (hopefully), I will upload a match from the tourney. The matches were 3 vs 3 team matches.



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Match 2: PRB | Cartoon Master vs DarkThorn


PRB | Cartoon Master (Team: Megaman Volnutt, Superman, Deadpool)

DarkThorn (Team: Cloud, Ky, Dante)




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Huh, wondered why I never did something like this.

Cause Noone ever did.. ever. btw, do you like it?

....... :cry:



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Match 3: PRB | TheFclass97 vs #YouMissingFaggot


PRB | TheFclass97 (Team: Shaq, Nanashi, Psylocke)

#YouMissingFaggot (Team: K', Shiki , Kyo)




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bro, this is a mugen tournament. mugen. tournament.


Yes, I like it.  Yes, I might just do something like this with my friends.  Yes, I have friends. (not really)

Good to know :awesome



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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted anything here in a while. I was afraid of coming back since the site didn't work for me and I almost got a virus. But anyways, here are some matches that you porbably missed...



Match 4: Akuma Neko vs ADFuk


Akuma Neko (Team: Cloud, Nero, Ronald McDonald)

ADFuk (Team: Chowder, Finn & Jake , Popeye)





Match 5: :YCK: | IzeGhost (MAG Z) vs Kawaiidez


:YCK: | IzeGhost (Team: SpiderMan, Vegeta, Cloud)

Kawaiidez (Team: Ghost Rider, Snake Eyes , Hatsune Miku)




Soon, the Top 6 will be reviled...



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