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Requests to Ness


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hi ness do you have the cvs yamazaki by y.y ?


Oddly enough, no lie, I've actually been looking for that very character myself ... some people from what I've seen have been refering to him as "Shadow Yamazaki", my searching has came up nill at this point,  but I am still on the hunt, rest asure as soon as I find him, I will let you know my friend!

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Just wondering, are you going to upload Yun by Dark-Shade? if you don't have it, maybe his Zangief?


Totally forgot about that bro, I will get them both to you for sure, just have to figure out where Yun is on my PC, I know I have Zangief on one of my test rosters, I swapped him out of K. Zangief awhile back, but he's almost just as good, give me a day or so because of work brotha' I'll take care of ya'!

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Totally forgot about that bro, I will get them both to you for sure, just have to figure out where Yun is on my PC, I know I have Zangief on one of my test rosters, I swapped him out of K. Zangief awhile back, but he's almost just as good, give me a day or so because of work brotha' I'll take care of ya'!

Alright man sounds good, maybe I'll be able to assist you on finding y.y's Yamazaki.


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Totally forgot about that bro, I will get them both to you for sure, just have to figure out where Yun is on my PC, I know I have Zangief on one of my test rosters, I swapped him out of K. Zangief awhile back, but he's almost just as good, give me a day or so because of work brotha' I'll take care of ya'!


Upload them here or send them my way if you find them please


yamazaki by y.y >  http://www.sendspace.com/file/185smi

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Upload them here or send them my way if you find them please


yamazaki by y.y >  http://www.sendspace.com/file/185smi


Awesome Phantom Blood, I'm still working towards cleaning this mess up from Christmas, but I will have that Yun up soon, good looking out man!


Edit: He must've came out during the CvS1-mugen-age, when Gargoyle was still making characters, very reminicant of his stuff ... I'm actually quite pleased with him, I was expecting much worse to be honest ... :-)

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