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Prosciutto by Amarimono (updated 14/08/2013)

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As a part 5 JJBA Vento Auro character, he is a member from the Squadra di Execuzione, pretty good.


The link : https://skydrive.live.com/?cid=B733B36D722D358F&id=B733B36D722D358F%21135&sc=documents

The video : http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20986751


Little presentation : 


As many characters from the JJBA franchise, Prosciutto is a Stand user, his is named "The Grateful Dead" and can grow old people by contact until they die. As a mugen character he have a "old jauge" near the power bar (at the bottom of the pic) which fill when Pros grab the opponent with his stand. The more he do, the more the jauge will fill and the more opponent will receive damages from Prosciutto attacks.


01/06 update :


-Minor bugs corrected

-Better AI

-Pesci, his partner in crime, make an apparition in victory and defeat


04/06 update :


-Better A.I

-Rebalanced damages


25/06 update :


-Better A.I

-Strenght rebalanced



14/08 update :


-Stand Mode introduction !!!

-Better A.I

-Review of the technique

-Bug fixes


And I add my own custom ports that I realized from pics on the internet, for zinesis Ultimate JJBA 1.0; darkpink serve for the transparency to add in FF :


9000,1 :




9000, 2 :




9000,0 : 




Enjoy !  :=D:



 Nice to meet you again Zinesis, I hope that you are got out of trouble with health issues, anyway take care of yourself and see you soon !


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