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Eh, I preffere the old vs theme.

Hmm. I'm just trying to find another vs. screen theme. Not satisfied with Imperfect Cell atm, but can't find a different one that I haven't already used.

Anyway, another Mugen match.

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I call BS on the fact that even though you fired off your Kamehameha sooner than Ultimate Gohan, it passed right through him, allowing him to hit you with his later fired off Kamehameha which dealt major damage to you. It almost seemed as if you got punished for timing your super better than he did.


I'm assuming Mystic Gohan has some sort of intangibility  during the entire animation of that attack. I'm wondering, for the sake of fairness, shouldn't every character that has a beam super be able to get hit (be it by a opponent's beam super or a other attack) during said beam super, therefore cancelling it?


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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@Win: On the Beam Super thing, I agree. Cell's Kamehameha should've hit Gohan.

Also: I reduced the stats. Here's a unnerfed vs. nerfed for ya.

Life: 1400 -> 1000

Defense: 175 -> 100

Attack: 240 -> 100.

Still, I've used Gohan quite a bit in my DTotT's because of his high stats being able to take out many extremely frustrating opponents.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While I was rooting for your team to win, Dumanios, it was a bit one-sided, would you not agree?


Not only was it a player vs A.I. match but you also took down 3 members of Shiro's team with just Nanaya.


If possible, I'd like to one day see a match between you two using Ikemen (online M.U.G.E.N) so skill can face off against skill.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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