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Posts posted by JokerintheButt

  1. Hey!  I just tried your Number Muncher!  I don't know about the source game yet I found your MUGEN version very amazing!  Every move done by you is very thoughtful! 


    What a MUGEN 8-bit fun!  UMTadUU.jpg


    Your Number Muncher has just inspired me quite a lot! 

    I guess I need to be your copycat your 8-bit MUGEN style to mugenize my own 8-bit MUGEN stuff!

    hint:  my 8-bit MUGEN version will be a character from an arcade game made by Gottlieb made in 1982

    If you don't know borewood here the source he is from a Pc Game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeMvJcfBDLM

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