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Posts posted by SamuelLJackson

  1. Oh wow, looking at Conan’s website makes me wonder how much content has actually disappeared with such a little trace and never recovered. Despite DOS-MUGEN chars often requiring some tweaking for newer engines.

  2. Got that working. Doesn´t every single time but at least in 50-70% of attempts. I can understand this method is here to prevent little children from "polluting" the scene but hell, it´s kind of confusing. Rarely someone will tell you only the numbers on the left side work (which means Caps Lock and the certain number on the left side on English(!) keybord because it doesn´t work with Shift). But thanks anyways, you´re great. This thread can be closed or whatsover now.

  3. Hello sincerely,

    I just need to help with something because I seem to be in a totally blind spot. It´s about the debug keys. I downloaded the original MUGEN 1.0 at first but I left it for CrusadeCast screenpack (1.0 and 1.1 in one pack) from andersonkenya1´s website because I also kinda hoped I was going to find a normal Player vs CPU mode. But that isn´t the issue. I have read and watched tutorials so I followed them. They are all the same so I could not find what could even go wrong. I opened mugen.cfg and set the debug keys.


     ;Set to 0 to disable starting in debug mode by default.
    Debug = 1

     ;Set to 0 to disallow switching to debug mode by pressing Ctrl-D.
     ;If Debug = 1, this will be ignored.
    AllowDebugMode = 1

     ;Set to 1 to allow debug keys at all times. Otherwise debug keys
     ;allowed only in debug mode.
    AllowDebugKeys = 1

     ;Set to 1 to run at maximum speed by default.
    Speedup = 0

     ;Default starting stage for quick versus.
    StartStage = stages/stage0-720.def

    I saved and opened the game. I tried the watch mode and the vs mode, then pressed Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 depending on my attempt. I tried to press it on character select screen, during loading the matches, at the beginning of the match and even in the main menu. Ctrl and the number at the same time and separately too. In MUGEN 1.0 and MUGEN 1.1. Nothing ever worked. Not even once. Is here any kind soul to address what could even go wrong and how to fix it, please?

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