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David Rattlz

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Posts posted by David Rattlz

  1. Ok so I coded a special attack that hits the oppenent to the ground and then makes the oppenent bounce up just enough so that I can chain it with other attacks. but as soon as the opponent bounces back I try to hit him but i can´t, I've already checked if it was a collision box problem on p2's end but no the collision boxes are there, I even set the move to take no juggle point but still no luck, can anyone help ?

    Here's a video showing the problem:



    Here's the code:


    ; Shatter Spirit

    [Statedef 9001]

    type = S

    movetype= A 

    physics = S 

    juggle = 0 

    velset = 2,0 

    ctrl = 0

    anim = 9001 

    poweradd = 20 

    sprpriority = 2 


    [State 9001, PlaySnd]

    type = PlaySnd

    trigger1 = animelem = 2

    value = S0,0

    channel = -1


    [State 9001, 1.1]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 1

    trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0

    ID = 7090

    sprpriority = 4

    persistent =1

    postype = p1

    pos = -64,-38

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7000

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1.2]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 2

    trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0

    ID = 7091

    sprpriority = 4

    persistent =1

    postype = p1

    facing = -1

    pos = -37,-138

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7010

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1.3]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 3

    trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0

    ID = 7092

    sprpriority = 4

    postype = p1

    pos = 63,-55

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7010

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1.4]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 4

    trigger1 = numexplod(7010) = 0

    ID = 7093

    sprpriority = 4

    persistent =1

    postype = p1

    facing = -1

    pos = -37,-138

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7010

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1.5]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 5

    trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0

    ID = 7094

    sprpriority = 4

    persistent =1

    postype = p1

    pos = -64,-38

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7000

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1.6]

    type = Explod

    trigger1 = animelem = 6

    trigger1 = numexplod(7000) = 0

    ID = 7095

    sprpriority = 4

    persistent =1

    postype = p1

    facing = -1

    pos = 15,-41

    scale = 0.23, 0.23

    bindtime = -1

    removetime = -1

    anim = 7000

    ownpal = 1

    removeongethit = 1


    [State 9001, 1]

    type = HitDef

    trigger1 = animelem = 3

    attr = S, NA

    damage = 23, 0 

    animtype = Light 

    guardflag = MA 

    hitflag = MAF 

    priority = 3, Hit 

    pausetime = 2, 8 

    sparkno = S6250

    guard.sparkno = S6301 

    sparkxy = -10, -76 

    hitsound = S3, 2 

    guardsound = 6, 0

    ground.type = High

    ground.slidetime = 5 

    ground.hittime = 12 

    ground.velocity = 0, 8

    airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8

    air.type = High

    air.velocity = 0,8 

    air.hittime = 0 

    fall = 1

    fall.recover = 1

    fall.damage = 20

    envshake.time = 50

    envshake.freq = 100

    envshake.ampl = 4

    fall.envshake.time = 40

    fall.envshake.freq = 60

    fall.envshake.ampl = 4


    [State 9001, TargetVelAdd]

    type = TargetVelAdd

    trigger1 = movehit && animtime = 0

    x = 0

    y = -6.5


    [State 9001, 5]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1

  2. Hey Ryon, watched all your tutorials and loved them, learned a lot!, the only thing I still can´t do is A.I, and I've noticed you have tutorials on almost every major subject, except A.I. It would be really cool if you did a video tutorial on A.I making, I´ve red a lot of text tutorials on the subject but its never the same as a video, could you make one? its the only missing piece.  :)


  3. Thank you very much for the Reply! :)  Yes I know that they have bugs but compared to the other versions out there, his versions are a lot better.



    Oh and by the way I was looking for some MK cartoon characters the other day and I came across an old post of yours but most of the links are down

    if you still have them could you hook me up with the chars?:




    Cyber- Smoke

    Chameleon (by Marth Belmont)


    That would be very Cool! 

  4. I am looking for ultraboard101's Kingdom Hearts Organization XIII Characters


    The links in his channel are all down, I guess he has given up the KH Mugen Project


    Since I know that they were available a few years back I was wondering if some of you might have them.


    Specificly I am look for this chars by him:


    Marluxia 1.0 - 


    Xion 1.0 - 


    Larxene 1.1 or 1.0 - 


    Zexion (His Final Release) - 


    Lexaeus 1.2 - 


    If any of you guys could hook me up with those I would be very grateful

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