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Everything posted by Dhillon521

  1. Sorry for double post but how's this. Gouken: "I always feared this would come to pass." Evil Ryu: "I no longer need a master! I'll grind your bones to dust!" Gouken: "Failure or not, you are my pupil. It is time for me to take responsibility and put an end to this!" Evil Ryu: "Stop me? Death will welcome you with a cold embrace!"
  2. Okay this will be the new portrait. But if someone would like to make a aura effect feal free to.
  3. The Zero Counter Effect is a place holder. Also for the intro what scream are you talking about? are you talking about the WTF Boom. if you are thats a place holder too. PM Me. I'm open for suggestions. ======================================================================= Also guys how is this for a new big portrait?
  4. This is the old thread. GO HERE for the new one. However if you want to see what the old thread was look here
  5. Some of that may be true. But there are SEVERAL Anime that Kids can watch.
  6. Guys guess what! I made lots of progress on the Shun Goku Satsu. I also made a new intro!
  7. Okay it works he can parry now. But while i'm moving forward and he hits me it parrys. Also here's a screen shot of my progress. It has the following Parry Sound Stand Parry Ducking Parry Air Parry Parry Flash Its uses PotS Parry Code.
  8. Sorry for the double post but. I tried adding Parry before anything major (SGS) and this happened. Error message: Undefined command label: "fwd". If not misspelling in CNS, check CMD Error parsing trigger1, 3 Error parsing [State -1, Standing Parry] Error in [Statedef -1] Error in evilryu.cmd Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def Error loading p1 Library error message: Died parsing command = "fwd" && command != "back" && command != "up" && command != "down"
  9. Yeah. Right now i'm following your tutorials,and made somewhat good progress.
  10. I found this: http://mugenlair.freesmfhosting.com/index.php?topic=1149.0 I'll also look at your tutorial again.
  11. One last thing can someone link me to a good tutorial besides ryons?
  12. @The Magic Toaster I mean't like where would I start?
  13. Yeah it was. I could reupload it for the Collection if anyone wants.
  14. Uh the link is down. So i'm not the lazy one Plus I looked in the collection AND searched it.
  15. Please help. I need Fido's Guile (The SSF2T one)
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