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Posts posted by Xan

  1. Pincer himself is cool, but his Mega form's kind of... eh. Heracross' Mega form is, tbh, one of the only Mega forms I actually like. ...Too bad it gets a useless ability in comparison to Pincer's Mega form.


    Also, everyone's really been angry at Kangaskahn ever since she got her Mega form. But her normal form isn't very good, and her mega forum is overpowered, so she just doesn't get used period, I guess. ...Or did her normal form get buffed too?

    Mega Heracross' ability is far from useless. It turns Arm Thrust, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, etc into powerful Sturdy-breaking tools.


    Nope, she's just relegated to ubers...and still wrecks everybody there. Even Multiscale Lugia doesn't escaped unharmed.

  2. Dude... What the fuck!? I wasn't trying to be mean or rude or anything. You're just being a jerk for no reason. I was merely stating a fact that foxes are popular.

    initiate beat_a_dead_horse.exe:

    And that's barely relevant to the discussion as a whole kthx.

  3. [bragging]I've tested Rice's stuff, Z2 stuff, Kamekaze's stuff, Watta's stuff, Ryon's stuff, Quickfist/Chazzanova's stuff, one of DivineWolf's characters, and even one of Infinite's characters. Your beta testing army can't even compare.[/bragging]

  4. I find it to be incredibly unbelievable that both of you are polar opposites in terms of username (LightFlare & Darkflare) and signature character (Ryu & Akuma).  :=D:

    Something tells me the Lightflare thing was intentional on Vegaz's part.

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