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Posts posted by FantasyBlade

  1. There's another one named Ancient Donaled which are both cheapest while Killer Donald can defeat and killed Crazy Catastrophe and Ancient Donaled,same goes with Ancient Donald and for Crazy Catastrophe,you'll need to get the MOST VERY ORIGINAL Crazy Catastrpohe since he can be anyone or just get Ver.1.36

    I have Ancient Donald too. I think he is the Strongest Donald edit up to date and if Crazy Catastrophe can Beat them i think i have an older Version of Crazy Catastrophe cause my Crazy Catastrophe just dies at the Start of the Battle.

  2. True,the ONI-miko z like one is Null and can beat ONI-Miko Z but can crash your game while the other one is unavailable since its private and no it's not made by Lunatic but made by Flame

    I have the one that is like ONI-MIKO-Z the good think is she didn't crashes my Mugen :=D:  But yeah i looked for the playable ONI-SANAE cause i found Killer Murasa and she is Private too but there was a Youtube User who shares her.

  3. Case666 is supposed to be at Pandacialake's fc2 blog,find her by typing "Mugen Case 666" and you should get it,and yes there is a Character named sm666 she's supposed to be a novelty joke character where you see a lady looking at you with something swirling next to her and you hear a heavy heart beat and slowly it just gets faster and faster and later a hand pops up which makes her a joke

    I like Scary things so i think im testing them out. Thx for that :goodmood:

  4. Well u should download sm666 also if your brave enough DL Failure Of Alice first off,sm666(known as username666) is a CREEPYPASTA meme where you go to Nico Nico Douga,type in 666 or probrably username666 or sm666 refresh a few times and the whole BG comes red,and this will give you creepy viruses where buttons won't respond,but in MUGEN it's a joke and creepy character,but won't give you the virus,second of all Failure Of Alice is just to scare you,Alice calls her dolls in probrably a multiple times but in a creepy way.So if ur brave enough,do it if not don't...Plus idk who the author of sm666 for MUGEN but find out and I think she's public,ask Ani~San but when I told him to DL it,it gives you an error.

    Oh the Username666 Story? I know it but never heard that there is a Charakter about it. I only kow there is a Suwako Edit (Which i also try to find) named Case666.

  5. Yes,she's rare and she's not any other Poseidon (like rly) she's a rly cheap edit and can beat Uroboros and Miss Jack Joker but for Miss Jack Joker,she makes her dissapear somehow which makes her a joke character,I have her and she's also on Mediafire a friend gave her to a YouTube user name AndersonKenya1 he is a share care person,so you can get her from him.

    I already have her from the same Person^^ I asked because if she would be not here i could gave her. http://red971.blog.fc2.com/page-1.html Also i found a Keine Edit? Don't know if she is W.I.P or Private.

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