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Posts posted by Wargame-kun

  1. most important of the character is being made is the damn gameplay

     yea sure the sprites are cool when it comes to gameplay turn out to be bad 

    (only those jerk ass collectors will get this!)

    unlike the other one the sprites is a bit ok when it comes to gameplay is good/great

    (most of the people like me will get that for those casual players who likes balance very much!)

  2. easy to do it..

    go to char folder then click -insert char name-.def the find this


    Pal.Defaults = 4 (change it to 12)


    make sure your at mugen.cfg arcade set to this


     ;Set to 0 for computer to choose color 1 if possible.
     ;Set to 1 for computer to randomly choose a color.
    AI.RandomColor = 1 <--- (set that to 0 base on the pal defaults)
    idk if it works just try it
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