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Posts posted by Valgallah

  1. It was something I came up with off the top of my head and untested, but it should work in State -2. As a coder, it's your job to use trial and error to get it working. I've used that "fvar(0)" technique many times and also have played random sounds before, so I know what I'm talking about here. :P

    Try removing time=1. Maybe that part is overkill.

    I'll stick with this setup for now since the ko state is hardcoded in the engine. Thanks :)

  2. 1.) It's possible. You need to switch your Death Cry from Group 11,0 to something else. Then just trigger it manually:

    [State -2]
    type = PlaySnd
    trigger1 = time=1 && !alive && !fvar(0) ; fvar(0) makes sure this only plays once. Change it if you're already using fvar(0)
    trigger1 = fvar(0):=9999
    value = X, random%num_deathcrys ; X is your new Death Cry group.

    The code doesn't work when i put it in state -2 but it worked fine in state -3. The problem now is it doesn't play when my char is put in a custom state (like complex throws/hypers), it only plays when the custom state ends.

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