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Posts posted by Obisen

  1. On 3/17/2022 at 2:17 AM, The Magic Toaster said:

    Im currently working on rebuilding the collection it just happens to be its like literally everyday something new comes out and ive been occupied with work and being sick lately so I apologize with the delay on that but I promise ya I got it going its just taking a bit of time!

    ...It's been a year and they still haven't remade it? Too late.

  2. On 8/7/2022 at 11:39 PM, Cavery210 said:

    HealTheWorld's c_jotaro (From the SFC RPG) is missing: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=72E038BB10B52804!108&cid=72E038BB10B52804


    There's another version of Torimochi's Yoshikage Kira out there that's more polished, but I don't have the link, but I do have a video of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fCfOgC_JWg&list=PLdzg4m1Fh8fErm_Gf9cFUiuwkIZFHBYps&index=23&t=16s



    An author by the name of Wang made a very unfinished version of Thunder McQueen. Yet another character that I don't have a link of.: 


     Added c_jotaro.



    Thunder McQueen is unavailable as it has been de-published.



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