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Arklegend Zinesis

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Posts posted by Arklegend Zinesis

  1. Yeah I like their theme and they are both free for all which Is good cause I can put random or unrelated series against each other(also cause I don't need to customized the chars portrait lol) http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png. V3 contains chars that are some what darker or violent in nature while V4 holds the chars that are more on the crazy anime side (except for the aliens I keep them there as enemies lol).

  2. [Preview]

    Posted Image

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    Fixed Menu Items

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    Site: http://lordmikehnk.blogspot.com/


    By lordmike

    It's been way too long since my previous update...

    What's new:

    update 1/21/12

    -fixed Mr.Heart's "iteyooo" gauge bar (well, kinda)

    -fixed Mr.Heart's Fatal KO screen: now it won't repeat itself over and over when he wins while in Super ITEYO mode

    -enhanced Mr.Heart's hitsparks

    -added specific gethit anims for all hokuto chars while Hato-sama slams them to the wall; other chars will still have generic gethit anims (5012 i think)

    -added a few missing sprites for YUDA_31 (for Komaku's branding)

    -added and improved Thouther_31's phoenix sparks for his fatal ko (thanks to cyanide for helping me with the math equasion that got the sparks to expand)

    -added a few missing sprites to Jagi's Fatal KO attack background

    -changed renzo's screenpack in an attempt to recreate the original Arcade screenpack, i think it looks decent

    -added the possibility to change the music from the original to the hokuto musou remix for every char - to do so, just open the char's def file and select the one you prefer.

    -eliminated Mamiya's cheapness: she won't recover life over and over again, she won't stop losing life while she IS being hit

    -added JUDA-(NERICYA) again in the roster mainly for Nericya's AI which was very good; and with that i've updated that Juda with new sprites, anims, sounds and effects

    -theoretically, the game won't crash now in the arcade mode saying "error loading char.sff"

    Do the gold text to reposition and fix the menu items look on the title screen.

    ;Title screen definition

    [Title Info]

    fadein.time = 10

    fadeout.time = 10

    menu.pos = 320,225

    menu.item.font = 7,0,0

    menu.item.active.font = 9,0,0

    menu.item.spacing = 0, 21

    menu.itemname.arcade = "ARCADE"

    menu.itemname.versus = "VS MODE"

    menu.itemname.teamarcade = "TEAM ARCADE"

    menu.itemname.teamversus = "TEAM VS"

    menu.itemname.teamcoop = "TEAM ALLY"

    menu.itemname.survivalcoop = "SURVIVAL ALLY"

    menu.itemname.watch = "WATCH MODE"

    menu.itemname.survival = "SURVIVAL"

    menu.itemname.training = "TRAINING"

    menu.itemname.options = "OPTIONS"

    menu.itemname.exit = "EXIT"

    ; These parameters define the window in which the items are visible

    ; in.

    menu.window.margins.y = 18,3 ;320,10

    menu.window.visibleitems = 7 ;11

    menu.boxcursor.visible = 0

    menu.boxcursor.coords = -48,-10,47,2

  3. If your talking about the one on the vid then no that's 640x480 as for the HD version I'm thinking of putting it on hold atm since the HD ver sometimes cause's lag during the game, I can only enjoy playing it on 640x360(so HD is only private). And also I can't put new characters on it that easily since fraya's char are coded with guard gauge which changes their defenses as the lifebar decreases so the one that I will be uploading(If I can) soon is just a converted game into 1.0 that will have a new sp look and also contains the motif with the old sp and lifebars.

  4. Very nice mugens guys I'll give you all 10/10 Mie's Themed mugen SUPERB!, Troys roster and sp FABULOUS!, JJ's rosters gameplay and showing the true mugen look AMAZING! and lastly for V's ZINTASTIC!!! you never fail to amaze us V and never will (Just a thought V do you ever plan to release the winmugen sp? you know the MBA to tell you the truth that was the reason I ended up in MFFA http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png )

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