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Posts posted by rhiggatwat

  1. On 12/29/2016 at 6:33 PM, SSBK65 said:

    If you don't have him already: https://yadi.sk/d/PNsUK-__35r3pM

    Thank you! I did not have him, I guess it was 4shared. There was definitely a trojan attached, I have it quarantined still. If I wasn't such a huge Green Lantern fan I wouldn't have bothered, Alejandro's past releases have all been pretty bad. But these sprites do look pretty good, so it's worth a shot. I already know the coding will be poor at best, but you can tell he put in a lot of time and effort into these sprites. Larfleeze might actually be salvageable with some editing. We'll see. Anywho, thank you again SSBK65, you're the shiznit!

  2. Have you guys found any viruses in this? My computer absolutely REFUSES to let me download it. Windows Defender immediately deletes it, claiming there is a Trojan within. This is not your typical Chrome nonsense, it seems like there might actually be something to it. I have seen problems with MMV releases in the past. Anyone else seeing anything?

  3. On 5/28/2016 at 7:49 PM, gui0007 said:


    He did this kind of attitude with me when he remove my Global Mod status from MMV and with many others. A bunch of lies, and always about him.

    But the worst thing is that some people is in Volzzilla's side, like Borewood.


    At this point, almost everyone is on his side, because if they aren't, they might get banned. Plus, when he deletes the actual posts, and just posts his own edited version, you no longer have any truth in the equation. 


    Banning you was his and that site's loss. You are a fantastic member of the community, I always like the videos you post for new character releases, you post interesting found releases at MFG (which not many people do these days) and here, and you contribute a lot to both MFG and MFFA. And the members there don't even know what they are losing or why, because Volzzilla lies to them about it, and makes us all out to be some kind of horrible monsters. It's just stupid. He acts like a little baby, because he doesn't understand how to talk to people about problems, and find solutions. Most of these things are very small in the true scale of things, and we all have to learn how to let the little things go and get along. MMV suffers for his rash actions and childish behavior, it's the reason why that site is of the quality that it is, where there is almost never any worthwhile feedback, and few of the creators who only post there ever improve, they just make the same mistakes over and over forever. The loss of members like you are a loss for everyone on that site. It's all just really dumb.


    The smallest little misunderstanding is blown up into major drama, and what should have been a quick conversation ends in tears and anger. It's just not a good way to do things, and adds a ton of unnecessary stress to everyone's life. And there is absolutely NOTHING that validates losing such a worthwhile member of the community such as yourself. 

  4. Now Mr. Volzzilla started a thread saying how he banned me for for a single comment that he posts out of context (about the lack of feedback for poorly made sprites), without everything else i wrote. And he says he banned me for calling him an "ass", but I only did that AFTER he pmed me that he was banning me, and left out all of the stuff I said about how I was not trying to insult anyone. I said I would apologize for getting angry if he did too, but of course he won't. And that only happened AFTER the ban message. Yes, I got angry he was banning me for nothing, and personally attacking me and deleting my messages. It's great when someone can attack you for stuff you never even said. Volzzilla is a liar, and now I know all of the things I have heard about him through the years is true. 


    And they are saying something about me not liking Chuchoryu? that's absolutely NOT true. I happen to really like Chuch, I've always defended him, here and at MFG, and I love the Variasuit Samus he just released. Chuch is a really nice guy and I have always supported him. I'm really tired of the non-stop lying going on over there. It's pathetic. 


    I wish I had the free time to just sit around all day attacking people and collecting money from adfly. Oh, right, he doesn't make any money from that...it's purely for aesthetic value.

  5. No, you are 100% correct. I did not say anything insulting. You can read what I said in the Hulk Mix thread, I was responding to someone saying that they don't like feedback because it tends to be negative. Volzzilla acted like I insulted his mother, and attacked me personally. I tryed to say I wasn't trying to insult anyone, and to make a not so long story even shorter, he banned me. He didn't even read what I said, because he was reacting to things that weren't there. It's very strange.


    Also, not a big fan of the way he uses Adfly to profit from others creations. It's kind of...well...I think it might be illegal. I could be wrong though, I am certainly no patent/copyright lawyer.

  6. Some great new stage edits here, love them. By the way, you're missing a few of his excellent stage edits, such as:














    And my personal favorite (seriously, dl this stage if you don't have it, it's like a giant elevator that goes through the entire Lex Corp building):




    Plus some others that Matrero edited, and one or two he uploaded, but I'm not sure if he actually did anything to, such as The Batcave and Dark Rooftop. Also, you have the wrong link for the Metropolis stage, it should be this: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=21621 , instead it links to the Viper stage. Anywho, hope he keeps up the great work, and keeps on keeping on...and thank you for linking to the stages here, Mr. Steal-Your-Waifu...I might never have discovered them otherwise..


  7. On 1/20/2013 at 4:29 PM, 8bitboy said:

    Does anyone know if Necro's train stage from Street Fighter 3: New Generation ever existed? I read on an mg messageboard one time that there was indeed one that  floated about years ago but evidence of it seems really sparse. I'd also like to know the author's name and if it's still online or sharable :s. 




    This is the page where i caught wind of this but the link he refers to only contains a dead link of Necro's Second Impact stage. Anyone?

    It does indeed exist, a pretty good version too, right here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/moscow-necro-stage-sfiii-2nd-impact-edit-rei-172461.0.html


    direct dl link = http://www.mediafire.com/download/7dd6rf9m2w921dn/SFIII+2nd+Impact+-+Necro+stage.rar




    No one knows anything about this edit character? The Elena edit that Blanka is staring at. Sorry, had to try again...


  8. 10 hours ago, gui0007 said:

    Don't worry about that, Kamekaze update Caligula right now and he solve this problem. Also the AI is updated. Same link to download.

    I know, but I'd still rather have it disabled. I just don't like having a few random characters with text underneath them. I'm just weird like that, I always disable the color/palette select. It's just easier with most characters. 


    I'll have to take another look at the code, it couldn't be that difficult.

  9. On 3/30/2016 at 8:52 AM, Cayne said:

    Micheal Rosenbuam is by far the greatest live action luther. Jessie Einsenbergs portrayal seemed more like Mr.Myxzplix or however you spell that wierdos name. It was dumb but I wont lie Ben Affleck redeemed himself for superhero movies cause he was the best Batman ever.


    On to Jose's Doomsday. I love this guys spriting but he needs someone to code for him.

    Oh, no way man! Kevin Spacey is BY FAR the BEST Lex Luthor ever, he was the saving grace from that otherwise boring Superman Returns. But yeah, Jesse Eisenberg was weird...I'm not sure who he was playing, but it certainly wasn't Lex Luthor. Wonder Woman was kinda cool though. And yeah, Ben Affleck was great, too bad they turned Batman into a murder machine...but I digress.


    Doomsday is cool, looking forward to the day that 3-D Mugen becomes a real thing, and we can have 'Injustice' vs 'Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3' vs 'Smash Bros', ha.

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