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Everything posted by javon

  1. javon


    coding can someone look at my codings,iori is not hitting the opponent while the opponent is on the floor,the hitflag has mafd on it but it's not working,i still don't know what's missing,and someone please answer,i have nothing else to do but on how to do this. [Statedef 2211] type = s movetype = a physics = s juggle = 0 anim = 2211 velset = 0,0 poweradd = 60 sprpriority = 2 ctrl = 0 [State -2, Explods] type = Explod triggerall = p2movetype = h trigger1 = movehit trigger1 = random < 100 anim = 4130 pos = 0,-50 postype = p2 bindtime = 1 random = 100,100 sprpriority = 9 ignorehitpause = 1 supermove = 1 [State -2,explods] type = Explod triggerall = p2movetype = H trigger1 = Movehit trigger1 = Random < 100 anim = 4135 pos = 0,-50 postype = p2 sprpriority = 9 bindtime = 1 random = 100,100 ownpal = 1 supermove = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 [State -2,explods] type = Explod triggerall = p2movetype = H trigger1 = Movehit trigger1 = Random < 100 anim = 4140 pos = 0,-50 postype = p2 sprpriority = 9 bindtime = 1 random = 100,100 ownpal = 1 supermove = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 [State -2, explods] type = Explod triggerall = p2movetype = H trigger1 = Movehit trigger1 = Random < 100 anim = 4145 pos = 0,-50 postype = p2 sprpriority = 9 bindtime = 1 random = 100,100 ownpal = 1 supermove = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 1000, HitDef] type = HitDef trigger1 = animelem = 2 attr = S,SA hitflag = MAF guardflag = M animtype = hard air.animtype = hard priority = 3,Hit damage = 15,0 pausetime = 2,2 guard.pausetime = 0,0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 sparkxy = 0,0 hitsound = s13,0 guardsound = s8,11 ground.type = low guard.slidetime = 17 ground.hittime = 17 air.hittime = 60 guard.ctrltime = 17 yaccel = .55 ground.velocity = 0 guard.velocity = 0 air.velocity = 0 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 air.cornerpush.veloff = 0 p2facing = 1 fall.recover = 0 air.fall = 1 getpower = 0,0 givepower = 15,15 yaccel = .55 [State 1000, HitDef1] type = HitDef trigger1 = time = 0 attr = s,sa hitflag = mafd air.animtype = hard animtype = hard priority = 7,Hit damage = 15,0 pausetime = 2,2 guard.pausetime = 0,0 sparkno = -1 guard.sparkno = -1 sparkxy = 0,0 hitsound = S13,0 guardsound = S8,11 ground.type = low guard.slidetime = 17 ground.hittime = 17 air.hittime = 60 guard.ctrltime = 17 yaccel = .55 ground.velocity = 0 guard.velocity = 0 air.velocity = 0 ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0 air.cornerpush.veloff = 0 p2facing = 1 air.fall = 1 fall.recover = 0 getpower = 0,0 givepower = 15,15 [State 1000, Width] type = Width trigger1 = time = 0 edge = 70,0 [State 1000, VelSet] type = VelSet trigger1 = animelem = 1 x = 9 [State 1000, TargetState] type = TargetState trigger1 = movehit value = 2213 persistent = 0 [State 1000, TargetState] type = TargetState trigger1 = movehit value = 2212 [State 1000, ChangeState] type = ChangeState trigger1 = animtime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [statedef 2212] type = s movetype = a physics = s velset = 0,0 juggle = 0 poweradd = 50 anim = 2212 ctrl = 0 sprpriority = 0 [State 1000, grab sound] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 1 value = s8,11 [State 1000, PlaySnd] type = PlaySnd trigger1 = animelem = 1 value = s5,100 [State 1000, TargetLifeAdd] type = TargetLifeAdd trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 20 value = -130 [State 1000, TargetBind] type = TargetBind trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 0 pos = 164/2,-35/2 [State 1000, TargetBind] type = TargetBind trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 2 pos = 164/2,-0 [State 1000, TargetBind] type = TargetBind trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 4 pos = 164/2,-15/2 [State 1000, EnvShake] type = EnvShake trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 0 time = 4 freq = 75 ampl = -4 phase = 75 [State 1000, EnvShake] type = EnvShake trigger1 = animelemtime(1) = 20 time = 12 freq = 75 ampl = -6 phase = 75 [State 1000, Explod] type = Explod trigger1 = animelem = 1 anim = 2520 ID = 2520 pos = 0,0 postype = p1 sprpriority = 45 bindtime = 1 under = 0 ontop = 0 supermove = 999 pausemove = 999 scale = 0.5,0.5 [State 1000, end] type = ChangeState trigger1 = animtime = 0 value = 0 ctrl = 1 [statedef 2213] type = A movetype = H physics = N velset = 0,0 sprpriority = 2 [State -2, DestroySelf] type = DestroySelf trigger1 = IsHelper ignorehitpause = 1 [State -2, NotHitBy] type = NotHitBy trigger1 = 1 value = SCA [State -2, SelfState] type = SelfState trigger1 = Time > 500 trigger1 = P2StateNo != [4000,4100) value = 5050 [State -2, ChangeAnim2] type = ChangeAnim2 Trigger1 = Time = 0 value = 2213 [State 4020, ScreenBound] type = ScreenBound trigger1 = 1 value = 1 movecamera = 1 [State a] type = palfx trigger1 = animelem = 4 time = 65 mul = 256,128,256 sinadd = 80,0,80,65 add = 50,0,50 color = 50 ignorehitpause = 1 [State 4020, VelSet] type = VelSet trigger1 = AnimElem = 5 x = -5 y = -5 [State 4020, VelMul] type = VelMul trigger1 = AnimElem = 5, >= 0 x = 0.97 [State 4020, VelAdd] type = VelAdd Trigger1 = AnimElem = 5, >= 0 y = 0.6 [State 4020, SelfState] type = SelfState triggerall = AnimElem = 5, >= 0 trigger1 = Vel Y > 0 trigger1 = Pos Y >= 0 value = 5100
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