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Posts posted by Kazecat

  1. On 6/25/2018 at 4:26 PM, IDGCaptainRussia said:

    I know you like to make "Big" characters, but my god that one is huge! (Also holy crap that spin attack is animated so well)

    She's not huge in the sense of how I usually do it.  She's just excessively tall.  I wanted to attempt that and see if I could make a fair character out of that.

  2. 18 hours ago, wicloud said:

    he's the release that'll keep on releasing! *but aroma does it better imo*

    As she should!  She was designed to do that stuff.


    On 3/2/2018 at 10:14 PM, Weiss_Circal said:


    Yeah, but it has fetish-related content and his sprites are... suggestive to say the least.

    If he's an adult for his junk being so prominent that's fine.  If its for the vore thats iffy to me since I was trying to do that in a way that wouldn't startle peeps not into it.  

  3. 9 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

    Added the NSFW tag due to some things present, including the obvious vore move.

    Do what you gotta in terms of ratings. But he doesn't show any parts and wasn't really intended to be an adult character.  I was aiming for a T rating.

  4. 5 hours ago, radar4 said:

    ewww, what a disgusting release man! better burn a bunch of incenses before I play with this guy, ugh. thanks dude lol


    I hope he's good addition to your roster.


    4 hours ago, IDGCaptainRussia said:

    that's an awesome Thicc Rat you made there :D

    seriously though, any words I got cannot describe the effort it takes to make sprites like those. 


    Thank you.  It took months to get all the animation done.  So I hope he's entertaining for everyone.

  5. Lardo Rat (Mugen 1.0)


    I've been working for a few months on this character.  He is a gluttonous, huge slob of a rat.  Fairly beefy, combo oriented, 4 button character with A.I. and pretty good balance.  5 special moves, 1 super, push block.  Please let me know what you think.  Sorry about the video the Poison I fought against bugged and cloned herself so the audio is annoying for that first round.





  6. Bertha Hippo & Jumbo Elephant(updated)



    Bertha Hippo:

    Bertha is a 4 button Grappler, with armor moves and has more mobility than my last grappler Jumbo.  I did all her animation and programming.  I think she is fun but I need to release her to get a better opinion on what else to do.  So please tell me what you think.  Her moveslist is included in her folder.


    Jumbo Elephant:

    Jumbo is the first character I've ever done.  I haven't redid his sprites yet but I have tried to balance him and fix his gameplay.


  7. OC: Aroma Skunk


    Aroma Skunk:

    I've been working on this character for a while and I wanted to try something that had DOT mechanic. This gassy skunk is fragile but all of her gas is poisonous.  She can melt opponents by inflicting heavy poison on them and she's designed so that you have to use the mechanic to do well, since her damage isn't great without it.  Also the poison means its kinda anti zoning since once you tag em with enough you have to just stay away and let it melt them since blocking stops the poison damage.  


    Also warning this character does use farts, but shes a skunk so I thought that was obvious.  Give me feed back and tell me what you think.


    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/wz8o0u3s9cij098/Aroma.zip


    Jiggly Bunny:
    I released Jiggly earlier this year but I've also been tweaking her for balance and such ever since.  Jiggly is supposed to be a very easy to use character so she combos really easy and has less health than average to make her not annoying.  I think she's pretty fun but then again I gotta release to get a good various amounts of opinions on that.

    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5z0w8jd3f0yfibd/Jiggly.zip


    Try em out and don't give me none of that "ew, furry" or "ew, fat" bullshit.  I spent a lot of time animating them and that's definitely not what I wanna here.  But if you see something I need to address let me know.




  8. 12 hours ago, HelloMyNameIsAAA said:

    Because those EXTRA THICC  monsters with unusal body size have "weird attacks", you probably need to slap a NSFW tag on this thread.



    Thanks for sharing though.



    I was going for mature so I'm worried if I attactch a NSFW tag it will drive people away.  Since its already furry.  Thanks for trying them out.

  9. I worked on these characters for quite a while but within my own social bubble.  So to improve them further I like to get outside opinions and thus I want to share all my characters to this point.





    Jumbo: (2/27/2018)

    Gigantic Sumo elephant - Grappler/Powerhouse



    Jiggly: (2/27/2018)

    Nimble Bunny - Rushdown



    Katrina: (2/27/2018)

    Tag Team Crocs - Brusier w/ Striker



    Bertha: (2/27/2018)

    Big Butted Grappler - Powerhouse



    Aroma: (2/27/2018)

    Gassy Vain Skunk - Zoner w/Dot



    Enorma: (2/27/2018)

    Heavy Weapons Pig - Zoner



    Lardo: (2/27/2018)

    Gluttonous rodent brawler  - Brawler w/ lifesteal



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