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Posts posted by Drahedron

  1. Just passing here again to update the head comment of this topic with my last updated version of my original character. I've been very busy since I started him so I just could record this second update 2 years after the first one :(. Well, I hope you like it and never let mugen dies.

  2. On 15/12/2016 at 6:32 PM, EndercreeperMugen said:

    This character looks really good. Is it your first creation? It's really well put together, I'm looking forward to the eventual release.

    Somehow yes, I've already created an alien (not the one from the movie), it was an original creation too but it was really simple, he had just the basic movements and his sprites were absolutely simple too. Its really important to me to know people like my work, seriously, it makes me so happy, thank you a lot!


    On 15/12/2016 at 11:52 PM, TopKirby8305 said:

    This character is very unique!  May give him a spin when it's done!  :3

    Thank you, I try my best on him and I spend a lot of time doing it. I know I am just a beginner on mugen and on pixel art, but people like you give me the will to keep working hard, thank you a lot for the kind words.

  3. I know some people like to start a new topic when they update their projects but I guess I will keep using this one to avoid flooding the topics. Each time I upload a new video on youtube, I will modify the first post of this topic adding the new video and the date of the releasing, after that I will post a comment here so this topic can go to the first page and the forum page won't be flooded. I hope this is the best for the forum.

  4. Thank you a lot for the feedback, I will post more videos of him, this was a preview, just showing some basic movements, but the current version of him already has sounds and some other movements. I am creating the sounds using the program "my little piano", I am trying to create everything on him, but I thank you for the suggestions too^^.

  5. ---15/12/2018---

    This is the second updated version of my original character. I hope you like it.


    This is the first updated version of my original character. I hope you like it.



    Hello, I just created an youtube channel to show my mugen creations (I had another youtube channel but I wanted to completely change my Username and focus the channel just on my Mugen stuff, showing people what I am doing and looking for people with projects like mine). I know I am just a beginner on mugen creations, I am always looking for the content you guys create here and in other mugen foruns and I know you are really good but I hope you enjoy my work. I put a lot of effort on this character, on his design, trying to learn how to use the fighter factory and so on.

    Its just his preview video showing his basic movements, I've done some changes on him since this version. I will be uploading the video of the current version of him soon.

    I would be glad if you leave a comment on the video^^ If you want to know more details about my character look for the video description and I hope you enjoy it.


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