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Posts posted by dakidbanks

  1. Hate to bump this topic but I just downloaded this. Looks beautiful but I can’t do anything beyond selecting a mode. Like if I click WATCH, on the right hand side I see a pic of Akuma and text saying SINGLE. I get no other options. I press enter and now I’m at the select screen but I can’t move the cursor. I can only move when I’m in the pre menu choosing between arcade, watch, etc... can anyone help me

  2. I know how to convert my chars to 1.1 with the palette fixes, etc but THIS character I cannot convert properly at all:



    The palettes are ALWAYS messed up after converting. Anyone else have trouble converting this? I've tried everything and this and coincidentally THIS Captain America http://www.infinitymugenteam.com/Uploads/AvX/CaptainAmerica.zip

    I cannot convert properly without they're being some palette issue. On Cap, he converts fine but his get hit goes back to the default palette.


    Coincidentally, they are BOTH Acey chars I'm having problems with. All I'm trying to do is add png ports

  3. tried to put state 5900, 3 there too.... even manually inserted the palettes via advanced palette editor... still only the default palettes work and the rest are black/yellowish


    I have over 50 chars working correctly except for this one



    EDIT: Never mind fixed it.. on some chars I don't have to re-add the palettes, on some I do like this one

  4. I did it using the method I've mentioned and it works perfectly. All my palettes show up correctly. Can you tell me, step by step, what you did?

    saved sff to 1.1


    added keymap to the .def file


    added state 5900 code to cns


    Uploaded to screenpack, only palette 1 worked... the rest are messed up

  5. I suppose you added the palette map to the def as well. You've probably missed something. You added the palettes into the '.sff' didn't you? If you haven't, try that. If it still doesn't work, i'll try and figure out whats wrong.

    Yeah.. I added the palettes in and only the first works

  6. Eggman doesn't look bad IMO.. but I do agree I've never seen him do anything outside of his machine but run... I think he should be a mechanic based player relying on different machinery but he really doesn't look bad, its just I wouldn't expect it. He should be a mix of Joker and MODOK from MVC3. Joker in which he has a very limited amount of punch/kick attacks and relies mostly on other stuff and MODOK in which he can hover and move around the stage in a machine. If you're going the hand to hand combat route, his hypers should be different variations of him in his boss fights... maybe make the level 1 hyper the lil rolling car with the drill in front from Sonic 2... level 3 the one that hovered and shot fire and the final hyper the giant Eggman machine? Maybe use Metal Sonic or those other creations of his as helpers? If he loses to Sonic have him do his runaway routine? Just some ideas.. also what happened to your Butthead? The Beavis you did is kind of cool, all that's missing is his partner :goodmood:

  7. Personally I love the FIGHTMARE idea. Terrordrome is great and it'd be great if you did a port of the chars to the Mugen engine... until then, I'm cool with having Lump's conversions in my roster. The animations may not be as smooth as the originals but Mugen is all about customization. Nobody means any harm by taking your work. You made it possible to play as Freddy Krueger, etc before Mortal Kombat did it. I wish the MKP guys and the Terrordrome guys truely converted their chars to MUGEN. I want as many different chars in my Mugen as I can. I have the Terrordrome game AND I download Lump's conversions to put into my personal Mugen to face more than horror people. I'm respecting your work by having the original game... but since its obvious you'll never put them into Mugen where I can use them against Ryu, etc, why not use these conversions? You guys could at least collaborate together to bring them to Mugen in a way that makes everyone happy.

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