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Posts posted by NeoGeoKitsune

  1. I think the whole CoD franchise has got out of hand, I mean if thieves in France are prepared to rob 1000ish copies of MW3 at gun-point then there is definetly something wrong. I guess it's a kind of drug that people get addicted to (and have a hard time quitting); I mean one of my friends played Black Ops as if it was a religeon and he hit 10th prestige within the first month of release, and now he's probably going to do the same with MW3. He needs to go to rehab to sort out his priorities. But all CoD players are not like this, I mean some people play it to socialise with people if they cannot normally do so (the physically impaired etc) or to just have a laugh. I guess if some of the players who play a lot of CoD don't succeed in real life then they play CoD to compensate for their downfall/misfortune. It's quite depressing isn't it? and its all to fuel Activisions profit forecasts. http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//mellow.png .

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