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Leon Tekashi

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Everything posted by Leon Tekashi

  1. Nice, I've been looking for that one for quite some time now.
  2. Does that mean you have that one Iku edit Pre-to made?
  3. Well, there's still the rest of the PC-98 cast and the rest of TH 13.
  4. Hey guys? I discovered that someone actually made Sariel before. The person uploaded on this site: http://muvluv-alternative.game-server.cc/cgi-bin/nico-up/upload.cgi?mode=dl&file=5702 However, since the site is now down, I don't think anyone knows where to find her now. Just letting you guys know. Mugen video: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm9681336
  5. For some reason, that link isn't working so...Does anyone have another link or something?
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