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Posts posted by llyyr

  1. he's using them on a retardedly strange resolution.

    Sou Bot.

    i STRONGLY recommend 1 of these settings.



    do not make something for a strange cockamamie resolution.

    because remember everything needs to be scaled accordingly, and portraits and everything has its own.

    also Small Portraits are 25,25. so make the borders 27,27 so it fits inside.

    i'll try to work on the lifebar tutorial for you today.

    use the 1280x720 if you can use them.

    LifeBar tutorial!!! Gonna draw my life bar before you do that tutorial.

  2. how you make an separate air file? only one is allowed. also it is very simple to do that. See this(short version) ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RUN_BACK [statedef 105] type = A physics = A anim = 105 ctrl = 0 [state 105, 1] type = VelSet trigger1 = 1 x = const(velocity.run.back.x) y = 0 [state 105, 2] type = veladd trigger1 = time > 0 x = -1 y = -0.4 [state 105, 3] type = posset trigger1 = pos y != 0 y = 0 [state 105, 2] type = veladd trigger1 = time > 0 x = -2 y = -0.4 [state 105, 2] type = veladd trigger1 = time > 0 x = -2 y = -0.4 [state 100, 2] ;Prevent run from canceling into walk type = AssertSpecial trigger1 = 1 flag = NoWalk [state 105, 3] type = ChangeState trigger1 = command != "holdback" value = 0

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