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Posts posted by llyyr

  1. think you can send me a updated beta? so i can give you a full list of things to fix? IF there are things to fix.

    also sneaking behind an opponent. oh man i've done that so much lately and i still dont know the code.

    its a posset code that works with p2bodydist X...

    this is the code i have for sora, this will teleport you INFRONT of player 2. mess around with the values untill it appears behind.

    [State 0, PosAdd]
    type = PosAdd
    trigger1 = time = 10
    x = P2BodyDist X - (facing * 10)

    You done this in your teleportation tutorial.

    I think you might need a turn code to turn before p2

  2. Thanks guyz

    @Gopal, I made this one digitally. I used to sketch on paper n then retrace it on the PC, but I've been practicing to sketch digitally. Just becuz its easier to edit n erase mistakes without much effort

    You are mouse control is unexplainably good!
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