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Posts posted by Ori-Ori

  1. 13 hours ago, Luis said:

    Which Patchouli Knowledge is source accurate or closes to it? I feel like using a Touhou character.


    You can always use Rice's. It's not source accurate, but it does feel like you're playing as her.

  2. 5 hours ago, Tabris666 said:

    The stage is for mugen 1.1 first of all and second the stage requires opengl.

    The problem you showed is the default problem of using system or DirectX mode nothing to be alarmed just change the cfg to opengl and if you don't have a pc able to handle opengl then bad luck and forget about those kind of stages (there are hundreds of those kind)

    For example some stages will slow down everything because your pc don't have the CPU required  or will crash because you don't have enough ram or similar stuff (i run in slowdowns sometimes but are rare cases and counted i use opengl) remember mugen 1.1 exclusives require higher specs then the run of the mill 1.0 stuff think that with some content you will run in out of memory error even if you don't have too much stuff think of this the 10 stages of skullgirls + 10 chars 1.1 exclusive + a really good screenpack and you will run into out of memory error this is why i have adviced to screenpacks author to stop using those 3000 slots screenpacks because is surrealistic and you will crash mugen more often.

    Well if someone leaked the 2.0 alpha 7 of mugen those problem would be a thing of the past because of the new features they presented.


    Thanks a million for the info.

  3. I can safely say that anything by Camren Springer is a big, big mess. His characters have poor gameplay, poor hitboxes, overpowered moves, infinite priority, poor custom sprites (at least the ones who don't use source sprites),  really, really, REALLY bad inputs and very easy infinites.  Oh, and some of his works are spriteswaps.

  4. 26 minutes ago, TheJMan said:

    Well I gave em a quick look and the problem really shows in the stance, kinda sloppy on my part :omg:

    I shall also fix the first walk/run frame and some of the jump frames, for the rest the sprites look as good as I could without flatout changing them.


    Eh.... okay....

  5. 3 minutes ago, TheJMan said:

    In what way?

    1. Too big pixels? (A Resize should do the job)

    2. The outlines (I could edit them slightly and it'd be fixed)

    3. The style/Source sprites (Can not be fixed, I want to keep the Battle Blitz sprites. May do a sprite and animation edit with the GBA sprites if the characters are recieved well)


    2 and 3.

  6. 9 hours ago, Luis said:


    I was just thinking about downloading Rachel for playing as but then I read she's bad. No source accurate version either. I have that beta Litchi by China. I like her brutal AI. Takes forever to active though and has to reactive in every round.


    Thou we do have Hime Len.

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