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When is strength more important than speed?


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Everywhere I go, people always assume that speed will always beat strength. I personally don't think so. I personally think intelligence is key. Every argument I see against strength is that the big guy is ALWAYS going to mindlessly try and attack the speedster. No one ever takes into account one who is very strong, but also intelligent. If you ask me, strength is something to use defensively over offensively in a fight. If a strong opponent can read a quick opponent carefully, he can be able to counter the quicker fighter's movements and come out on top. ...That's just how I see it.


Do you think strength is ever an important factor over speed? Also, are there any videogames where the big, slow, defensive guys are actually better overall than the weaker, yet quicker guys? Not just videogame, but other things as well.

Edit: Also this has nothing to do with Sheik. I've gotten over that now. But the whole debate of "Speed wins over strength every time" still kind of bugs me.

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Most guys that argue like that have never fought, or been legit taught how to fight, or really been followers of legit fight sports. Watch alot of boxing, learn to box or fight for real, and be in a few with a friend or partner whos a different style or size. Usually the one who gets in the best shot first is the better, after that whoever hits harder and whoever cant take that hit is the thing. The stronger guy or more experienced (not the same as skill) usually wins. Size doesnt always equal strength, there are alot of very big weak guys and very very strong small guys. Boxing usually wins over every other style, too. For those who want to argue, go look it up for yourselves.
The one whos tougher, hits harder, and has more experience will win over speed or skill. Sometimes even style. weapons and war combat is a different matter, and the ones with the better teamwork and unity usually win. Even over better tech.

Most fighting games are too fair making everyone the same so you dont see realistic fights. In mugen, you can edit stats to get a realistic fight. Vega probably could only take six or eleven of Zangief's hits, but Zangief could probably tank most of his, unless he was hit hard enough in the right spot. With the claw its different then. LOL the most realistc game fight out is probably GTAV

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