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Dark God Ryu by Reu and Kingtigre


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oh yeah, i've had this sick 1 for a loooooong time, & he is indeed an OP'd joke character, akin to Rare Akuma, tho a bit more dark in his humor, cuz he seems so damn'd serious. tha 1 thing about him tho, which doesn't really balances things out, but does make'em interestin', is that becuz of his immense power level, if he touches the opponent in any way worthsoever, their super meter gets max'd out automatically [this is even explain'd in tha Read Me]. he so much damn'd fun to play with tho it's ridiculous, due to him havin' that power & how assholicly simple it is to abuse tha shit out of it [my cousin play'd with him 1ce, & had a ball cuz he was causin' so much mayhem & carnage, & he was 6 at tha time!].

but even with all that, oddly enuff, he still has some dampeners to his power [super gauge drains by itself constantly & rather quickly, especially durin' certain supers, & effects how strong or not tha supers are; supers will start only takin' a small speck of life, if any, after a certain number of chains/hits], & is, of course, a bit broken. 2 things that stand out, 1 bad & 1 not-so-much: don't cancel into a super out of his grab [this is an easier mistake to do than you realize, especailly 1ce you start gettin' power drunk], or you'll regret it; & if you feel like wantin' to know what havin' a power similar to Gill's is like, start a 2-vs-2 battle, charge you bar completely, & get yourself KO'd on purpose immediately after [or durin']. then, while your partner is still conscious, resurrect yourself by either performin' a super [doin' tha "Demi-God's Hammer", as i like to call it (down+KK), is a fav of mine xD], or by teleportation. if you get hit, you'll get KO'd again, but as long as you partner's still in tha fight, you can repeat this as often as you like. i doubt this was an intentional bug, but it's a shitload of fun to abuse & tweak with tho.

DGR is tha character you pick when you just feel like gettin' some aggression out & lettin' your Demi-God complex flag flow freely, takin' on vics 2 at a time & just havin' reckless, mindless fun. sometimes playin' with him in a battle is akin to 1 watchin' a favorite movie of theirs for tha umpteenth time: sure, you know how it's gonna end, but it's tha journey to that end that's so damn'd fun & enjoyable. :awesome


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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oh yeah, i've had this sick 1 for a loooooong time, & he is indeed an OP'd joke character, akin to Rare Akuma, tho a bit more dark in his humor, cuz he seems so damn'd serious. tha 1 thing about him tho, which doesn't really balances things out, but does make'em interestin', is that becuz of his immense power level, if he touches the opponent in any way worthsoever, their super meter gets max'd out automatically [this is even explain'd in tha Read Me]. he so much damn'd fun to play with tho it's ridiculous, due to him havin' that power & how assholicly simple it is to abuse tha shit out of it [my cousin play'd with him 1ce, & had a ball cuz he was causin' so much mayhem & carnage, & he was 6 at tha time!].

but even with all that, oddly enuff, he still has some dampeners to his power [super gauge drains by itself constantly & rather quickly, especially durin' certain supers, & effects how strong or not tha supers are; supers will start only takin' a small speck of life, if any, after a certain number of chains/hits], & is, of course, a bit broken. 2 things that stand out, 1 bad & 1 not-so-much: don't cancel into a super out of his grab [this is an easier mistake to do than you realize, especailly 1ce you start gettin' power drunk], or you'll regret it; & if you feel like wantin' to know what havin' a power similar to Gill's is like, start a 2-vs-2 battle, charge you bar completely, & get yourself KO'd on purpose immediately after [or durin']. then, while your partner is still conscious, resurrect yourself by either performin' a super [doin' tha "Demi-God's Hammer", as i like to call it (down+KK), is a fav of mine xD], or by teleportation. if you get hit, you'll get KO'd again, but as long as you partner's still in tha fight, you can repeat this as often as you like. i doubt this was an intentional bug, but it's a shitload of fun to abuse & tweak with tho.

DGR is tha character you pick when you just feel like gettin' some aggression out & lettin' your Demi-God complex flag flow freely, takin' on vics 2 at a time & just havin' reckless, mindless fun. sometimes playin' with him in a battle is akin to 1 watchin' a favorite movie of theirs for tha umpteenth time: sure, you know how it's gonna end, but it's tha journey to that end that's so damn'd fun & enjoyable. :awesome

you forgot one thing he some times makes the cpu freeze up when you try to throw the other person but it rarely happens
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