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Black Dynamite (2009)


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:=D: really Gopal? yes Black Dynamite was a Movie before a show on adult swim, same as boondocks was a comic strip , then comic before becoming a tv show sigh, kids these days thinking people actually have original thoughts.........tsk,tsk, shame :jackiechan:


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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well Zeebz, to be fair, Black Dynamite tha show is still original, since it still comes from completely tha folks behind tha movie [writers, producers, etc], as well as tha original main cast from said movie doin' tha voices for tha main characters, so it's still an original, tho i get where you comin' from. now, with that outta tha way, i just gotta say this:

Black Dynamite, for all intents & purposes, is 1 of tha most epic. movies. E-V-A-H. :truestory:

tha action, tha comedy, tha dramedy, tha parody, tha shameless over-tha-top-in-your-face nature of this joint is just a big bowl of awesomeness that just can't be denied. i'm a HUGE phukkin' fan of this flick, & i've seen it in its entirety AT LEAST 15-20 TIMES [i won't even mention tha countless number of times i've skip'd-scan'd tha damn'd thing!], i done kut wallpapers annnnd ringtones from it for my phone , & i still have tha same copy of it i dl'd on my cpu [thank goodness i put it on 1 of my flash drives before that unforeseen shit happen'd with my HD early last year]. it'll NEVER be deleted.

1 interestin' thing about this flick tho: tha screener version of this joint is different [& a bit funnier] than the final release, even tho tha final had some elements tha screener did not. but for what they put in tha final, they kut a nice bit out. you gotta watch both to see tha differences & judge for yourself. couple of big ways to tell which version you're watchin', whether if you haven't seen both, or have & don't know which is which:

Pimp meeting scene:

screener: longer; more funny convos between tha Pimps take place before tha main Pimp gives his speech.

final: shorten'd; main Pimp's speech happens about a minute into the scene.

"Cleaning Up The Streets" montage

screener: longer; more involved & story revealin' images, & tha combination with tha songs' lyrics equal straight hilarium.

final: ugh, so damn'd short. tho, to be fair, this was remedied a bit by revisitin' a link of tha story from earlier in tha film [which tha screener did also, but not to this extent], follow'd by a phukk'd up "drop", & some maniacal laughter from BD.

there are a bunch of other little [& not-so-little] differences you'll notice scatter'd thru tha movie, but they all make a nice impact on the experience of tha film as a whole. i feel if they would've used some of tha things they put in tha final as enhancements [some of these elements did make more sense outta certain parts, but diffused others], but kept all tha stuff from tha screener, then Black Dynamite truly would've been even more epic than it already is.

tell ya what tho: if i get enuff requests, i'll take tha 1 i got [DvD Screener, encoded by a damn'd good encoder i know, good quality, mkv, only 300 mb], Rar wrap that bitch, & up it here for y'all. & don't let tha file type shy you off; you can play it usin' a VLC player, a GOM player, or by installin' a codec pack [all of which are free, & i've up'd tha latter 2 together in a pack already, so.....], & you're golden.

lemme know suckaz :goodmood:




Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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