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Magical Chaser Screenpack WIP


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Magical Chaser Screenpack WIP PART1:starting small but slow Ryon been helping with My project and this is something I want to do for my birthday in march 2013. the screen pack need a lot work so don't be surprise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieQn7b-SlXQ Magical Chaser Screenpack WIP PART2: portrait made AND fix update wip screen pack the big and small portrait are done and I fix the and re place the small portrait for the default life bar. Ryon gonna show me how to do the vs screen logo animation and work on replacing new font for the screen pack. please take it easy on me Im only a baby child on learn mugen screen pack and I am doing my very best to make this screen pack come true for my birthday on march http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9afKgj_ouIU

Lucky Star GIF photo: Lucky Star moeqv2.gif
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Magical Chaser Screenpack wip PART 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OF91O91o16E Vector help me with the vs screen and teach me the icon cursor animation there are many things need to be done this is just a working progress for my birthday present for march 2013 the screen pack still need a lot work and there mush need to be done this is the 3rd working progress video for the today what is missing in the screen pack :o 1. font fixing is needed 2. more animation need to be added 3. life bar needed 4. vs screen need more attention 5. mugen intro, game over , ending credit scroll :o 6. resize the cursor and boxes for small size

Lucky Star GIF photo: Lucky Star moeqv2.gif
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Guest dncelestinx96

Yuyu use the System.def file in the big folder u get 60 slots and nice screenpac even though those r not my fav colors still good

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The vs screeen looks better, well done. I would recommend more slots for Hidden Characters, in the full game idea we would have 8 normal characters and 3 hidden. It's necessary to make other version of Fine since the current one will never be compatible with other Magical Chaser characters like Aiko Seeno, Doremi and Meteo.

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  • 3 months later...

Magical Chaser Screen Pack WIP PART 4


I know been long long time now but soon will be all over

I like to give thanks to Toshio for helping me get the sound that I need for My screen pack. the Icon cursor sound been added and new sprite game over been made with the sound been added. there a lot need to be done but I hope I get the screen pack done by march 2013

Lucky Star GIF photo: Lucky Star moeqv2.gif
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