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Sound Of Normal Intro Merging With Special One



Hello, guys! Well, I'm new to Mugen and to char creation for that matter... So, I have an issue, and I've tried looking for that so many times on internet, however I wasn't able to find any answer to that, so I hope you guys can help me... So, my issue is the following: I coded a special intro to my character, and I followed a post to do so, but my char also has a normal intro, and whenever I plays this special intro, the sound of the normal intro plays along with that, here's the code:


[Statedef 190]

type = S

ctrl = 0

anim = 190

velset = 0,0


[State 190, PlaySnd]

type = PlaySnd

trigger1 = animelem = 1

value = S5,13

volume = 255


[State 190, 1] ;Freeze animation until PreIntro is over

type = ChangeAnim

trigger1 = RoundState = 0

value = 190


[State 190, 2] ;Assert this until you want "round 1, fight" to begin

type = AssertSpecial

trigger1 = 1

flag = Intro


[State 190, 4] ;Change to stand state

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

value = 0



;Intro Vs. Jailton

[State 190, Intro Vs. Jailton]

type= ChangeState

triggerall = p2name = "Jailton" || p4name = "Jailton"

trigger1 = time = 0

value = 192


[Statedef 192]

type = S

ctrl = 0

anim = 183

velset = 1,0


[State 192, VelSet]

type = VelSet

trigger1 = animelem = 6

x = 0

y = 0

;ignorehitpause =

;persistent =



[State 192, 3] ;Freeze animation until PreIntro is over

type = ChangeAnim

trigger1 = RoundState = 0

value = 183


[State 192, 1]

type = AssertSpecial

trigger1 = 1

flag = Intro


[State 192, 2]

type = ChangeState

trigger1 = animtime = 0

value = 0



P.S. I have already tried to put both of these Playsnd in [statedef -3], however the problem persists...

EDIT: I managed to solve that just putting the ChangeState of the special intro before the PlaySnd of the normal one...

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