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M.D. Geist.


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M.D. Geist was an OVA released in 1986, directed by Koichi Ohata, animated by Studio Wave and Zero G-Room. It takes place in the distant future, mankind had advanced into space, colonizing planets. However, there's no peace, and wars rage. Most notably on a Planet called "Jerra" A rebel group called "The Nexrum" has been trying to get the Earth government to leave, but the Regular Army (Earth foces) had created a type of soilder called M.D.S. : Most Dangerous Soldier. Bio-engineered soldiers made specifically for war. One of them, MDS-02 (Geist) was considered a threat, being how his methods of fighting were so brutal, he was placed in Suspended Animation on a satellite, orbiting Jerra. Several years later, it crashed, freeing Geist. He roams the planet, trying to figure out what year it is, and where the Regular Army is. His first encounter with Humans was with a gang, whom had just killed one of the Regular Amy soldiers. The Boss challenges him to a fight, and Geist makes quick work of him. Vaiya, the Bosses woman, tries to get Geist to join them.

Later on, Geist gets them to help the regular amry, making quick work of the Nexrum soldiers attacking a futuristic Tank. after that, Geist joins forces with the Regular Army to help them stop a Doomsday device called "Program-D: DEATH FORCE" from going off. It was made by the regular army when the war started going downhill for them. When activated, it sends a robot army, that reproduces from eating living matter, to attack all lifeforms without discrimination. After a president of a Jerran company was killed, it was set off, so they have to go to Brain Palace, the former base of operations for the Regular Army, to deactivate it. I won't say what the ending is, but it's a shocker, and a little funny.

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Depending on what you like, you may or may not like it. Personally, I thought it was kickass. If you like violence and lots of killing, you'll love this.

There was also a squeal called "Death force". But I'll tell you about that one later.


The trailer if anyone is interested. You can find the Directors cut dubbed on Youtube, as well as the original cut in subs.

"Wait... Is that..? Holy sh*t it is.... Robert Downy JR.!! "Jotaro Kujo"


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