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Disable debug keys permanently? (Mugen.exe edit)



Hi. I've been looking for tutorials but I have not found anything. What I want to do is disable the debug keys permanently.
I know you can edit the mugen.cfg, but that's not what I'm looking for.
what I want is to deactivate those keys by editing the mugen.exe file for version 1.1b I know it's possible to do it because I did it in the past. But I've lost the tutorial and I do not remember how to do it. The reason is to disable the debug for a fullgame that I plan to release soon. So I do not want those keys to work even if you enable AllowDebugKeys = 1 inside mugen.cfg. If anyone knows the steps to follow, I hope you can help me. I just remember editing the mugen.exe using the NotePad ++ program.

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