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[PC] Megaman Deathmatch V2


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Megaman Deathmatch is basically Unreal Tornement....only using Megaman Characters and its in 8-bit. It's a really good game to get if your a fan of the Megaman series, or just love shoot stuff. Obviously this can be played online with friends.

The new V2.0 was released June 10th this year, giving you new stages, weapons, and skins all mostly based on MM7. There are also a good number of mods to use including an Roboenza mode which is like Firefight, Horde, or Zombies.

A great game to get together and play on with buddies.



Note: Why the HELL didn't anyone else post this game up, though we already played this online together?

The offical Website


Pretty silly in some cases, isn't it?

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