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Evil Ryu Glitch Killing Thread



As you all know I released the Alpha of my Evil Ryu a few days ago and of course.... Alpha builds have alot of bugs. So I'm gonna post bugs here so maybe you guys could help me fix them.

Glitch List:

I disrespected Reu with a certain win quote.  But I still feal like a dirtbag.

When you do the Metsu Hadoken and press punch twice before firing it Ryu will fire a clone of himself doing a Shun Goku Satsu.

Parry system doesn't work right. Instead of taping forward you have to walk forward for him to parry. (Although the system is fully functional)

When you kill the opponent with a Shun Goku Satsu the match never ends. (It takes like 20 seconds to end) And no the animation is 6 ticks so it can't be too long.

Shun Goku Satsu randomly stops connecting at times. (And its not the Hitbox I used PotS Shin Gouki hitboxes so it shouldn't be the Hitboxes).

As more bugs are found I will post them here.


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