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Mahesvara (Eye of Typhoon Final Boss Form 2) - 20 Feb 2015


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Updated 21 Feb 2015.  Sorry about the small errors... I kinda released before checking thoroughly.

For mugen 1.0 and 1.1. Movelist in the character folder.

Ripped him purely from screenshots, hence some things like hair and the band around his body may not be consistent across all sprites. But, not noticeable in game unless you go and look closely lol.

Yes, he does not have many voice effects. It's like that in the game.

http://www.mediafire.com/download/e124a2xb3gsqns3/Mahesvara.rar - Character File 1.6mb

https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5gsem6412qcw4 - My folder

These are custom and not true to source:
1. Give/get power not true to source, as he has no super in the source game.
2. Individual fists in the fist move can be cancelled by projectiles, but I did not implement that as it is too hard to rip the sprites.
3. Raise monster move, each monster can be destroyed on projectile hit. Did not do this, as too hard to rip each individual monster sprite.
4. Reflection disc's reflected projectiles cannot hit enemies, but my version can.
5. He has 2 moves (buttons c and z) that are custom - a throw and a full-screen super.

Probable bugs:
1. bindtoparent/root issues?
2. destroyself issues?
3. ignorehitpause/pausemovetime/supermovetime issues?

I hope to make the form 1, and sub-boss for this game, as I go along.

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