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Decepticon air warrior Thrust taking first test flight.


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Awesome! Bro Ghey%20Smile.png  I'm going check him out.

I know your Thrust is going to be like old omaga supreme transformers characters so its best for other Robot characters like gundams to go against him. :goodmood:


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Just thought I tried this Thrust out for now since I haven't got anything else to report lately.. and what is this bs?


.Just to get this out, I know Thrust is a big robot and all.. but that does not mean that he has to do
dino damage for every attacks he does (Including normals of all things; like either both Hp or Hk doing a whopping
300+ damage).

.On top of that, both Standing and crouching Lp chain into itself, which I wouldn't classify as an infinite,
had it not insta-kill the opponent with just a few strikes.


.This is how much damage is done when I chained Lk into itself:


.And this is how much damage is done when I chained Crouching Lk into itself:


.When I pressed both X+A, his hitbox disappears.. Why? If that's supposed to be a "roll" or a "dodge", it doesn't
look like one. Rather, it looks like a dash.


.His Lasers just insta-kills the opponent.. THe regular ones btw (no matter which direction it is at as well)


.Speaking of the lasers, the hitboxes for them are... Horrendous.



.The hitboxes for some of his normals either look too big, or just questionable (His crouching Lk for example)


.The hitboxes for his laser super is.. just horrendous in general (I would show, but I think they shared almost the same problems as the hitboxes for his regular lasers)

.Also, why have a super anyway if it insta-kills an opponent as well? (And why have it anyway if his regular lasers insta-kills?)


.This is how much chip damage is done after I tried to block the last 3 "shots" of his laser super:


.His super startup has.. no hitboxes on Trust himself, yet it focuses on only his gun.. why?


.Speaking of no hitbox, there's also none after his Transformation jet special.. Which means I can't punish it with any way that I can use. Is any reason why?


.If you land when he does his Jump Hk, he's stuck in the animation for a brief while, even after he lands.



I'm aware that this one is supposed to harken  back to Omega Supreme's old chars (prob, reading the post above me), but still; this is no excuse to make someone who can deal damage by this amount. Other than that, let's just say that he needs work.



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Just thought I tried this Thrust out for now since I haven't got anything else to report lately.. and what is this bs?


I'm aware that this one is supposed to harken  back to Omega Supreme's old chars (prob, reading the post above me), but still; this is no excuse to make someone who can deal damage by this amount. Other than that, let's just say that he needs work.

Understandable But please note that this is a Beta character that Ryochi is doing so he is still working on some  kinks on him and he will eventually update him from time to time.


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Understandable But please note that this is a Beta character that Ryochi is doing so he is still working on some  kinks on him and he will eventually update him from time to time.

Of course it is, but Akiha is still allowed to give feedback to this character, so Ryochi can then improve said character.

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HAHAHAHAHA!! you pit a mere flesh creature against a Decepticon?!!! BIG MISTAKE!!! He's meant to battle larger robots not soft puny fleshlings!! Thrust was intended to be a sub boss character for my robot game. Thanks for pointing out the small problems though but he really should be fighting larger robots like Autobots. I'll address the problems pointed out but please Please!! no battles with humans. they will just loose!! oh yeah thanks for the sounds Galvatron.

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HAHAHAHAHA!! you pit a mere flesh creature against a Decepticon?!!! BIG MISTAKE!!! He's meant to battle larger robots not soft puny fleshlings!! Thrust was intended to be a sub boss character for my robot game. Thanks for pointing out the small problems though but he really should be fighting larger robots like Autobots. I'll address the problems pointed out but please Please!! no battles with humans. they will just loose!! oh yeah thanks for the sounds Galvatron.

...are you fucking SERIOUS?!

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HAHAHAHAHA!! you pit a mere flesh creature against a Decepticon?!!! BIG MISTAKE!!! He's meant to battle larger robots not soft puny fleshlings!! Thrust was intended to be a sub boss character for my robot game. Thanks for pointing out the small problems though but he really should be fighting larger robots like Autobots. I'll address the problems pointed out but please Please!! no battles with humans. they will just loose!! oh yeah thanks for the sounds Galvatron.

LOL! No prob. :=D: 


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Okay, seriously, that's not how a MUGEN character should work, and I really hope Ryochi will learn that soon.

A good MUGEN character should be well balanced and should NOT be something cheap that can kill almost everything in one hit with a wimpy laser special move.

That's just all kinds of wrong.

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Okay, seriously, that's not how a MUGEN character should work, and I really hope Ryochi will learn that soon.

A good MUGEN character should be well balanced and should NOT be something cheap that can kill almost everything in one hit with a wimpy laser special move.

That's just all kinds of wrong.

LOL! Alright Man if it makes you feel happy:




I did the favor of tuning him down some notches so he won't be soo cheap. However he is still a challange so keep your gaurd up.


So "Quit Your Crying!!!" (quote from Blitzwing from G1 transformers) :=D:


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Hehe, I hope this edit really is more balanced.

I wonder if Ryochi is okay with that edit. :3

Its not much of an edit. all i did was just cut the attack and damage parameters down a bit on the Hitdef and Proj. data on each state which anybody of us that knows Basic Mugen coding can do.

If you get a character and if its too powerful do that instead. I'm only did this for this Beta version of Trust and when Ryochi fix & finish him he will be more Balanced till then. However he will still pack a punch like i said before when you go against him just be on your guard or get destroyed. LOL! XD


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Well, packing a punch is not a bad thing at all. The only important thing is that the character can pack a punch while still being balanced and not cheap.

Very often, if a character has got extreme amount of power, said character then also has a lot less health than your usual character. Such characters are called "Glass Cannons", because they lose much of their defense in order to gain a large amount of offense.

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Okay So bottom line it's a question of the hit boxes. I don't know what version of fighter factory Akiha is using but the hit boxes on my version are pretty much aligned . The trouble is the lasers that are at an angle. kinda hard to line the hit boxes up for them. As for his lasers being instant kill or too powerful. Consider this. Most mugen characters have some type of defensive move where they can either block, parry or downright avoid the attack all together so if you are not using your characters defensive ablilites (regular blocking, parrying, or dodging) and just attack, then you DESERVE TO BE VAPORIZED, EARTH GERM!!!

and yeah, I'm dead serious. learn your selected characters defense style and USE IT!! It was considerate of Galvatron to give you guys a "Weaker" version but that is something you could have done yourselves. After all MUGEN is highly custom friendly and if you feel a character is too strong or has too much A.I then you can alter it to suit your needs. What gets frowned upon is when people alter characters and re-release them without the original creator's permission (Case in point, the Melty Blood style Haruhi) Second, Thrust is still in beta stages so I've have much to iron out before his final release.

Now what I'm doing is trying to lessen the time on his air Hard kick. I may turn that into a double move

Sorry, you'll have to attack him before or wait till after he's transformed to attack him.

The dash move is an evasive dash. kinda like morrigan's but without the afterimage. Wouldn't want anyone thinking he's got Akuma's teleport ability LOL!

Thrust has no AI and I don't plan on giving him any (I'm not fond of super AI controlled characters because when you use them, they override your control and pretty much fight on their own. Second, IF you guys are bitching about him being too powerful without AI, Imagine what a super or custom AI one would be like.)

So bottom line, I'll fix the hit box issue but dammit!! you earth germs had either better learn to avoid or block or call the Autobots to help you!! LOL!!


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Okay So bottom line it's a question of the hit boxes. I don't know what version of fighter factory Akiha is using but the hit boxes on my version are pretty much aligned . The trouble is the lasers that are at an angle. kinda hard to line the hit boxes up for them. As for his lasers being instant kill or too powerful. Consider this. Most mugen characters have some type of defensive move where they can either block, parry or downright avoid the attack all together so if you are not using your characters defensive ablilites (regular blocking, parrying, or dodging) and just attack, then you DESERVE TO BE VAPORIZED, EARTH GERM!!!

and yeah, I'm dead serious. learn your selected characters defense style and USE IT!! It was considerate of Galvatron to give you guys a "Weaker" version but that is something you could have done yourselves. After all MUGEN is highly custom friendly and if you feel a character is too strong or has too much A.I then you can alter it to suit your needs. What gets frowned upon is when people alter characters and re-release them without the original creator's permission (Case in point, the Melty Blood style Haruhi) Second, Thrust is still in beta stages so I've have much to iron out before his final release.

Now what I'm doing is trying to lessen the time on his air Hard kick. I may turn that into a double move

Sorry, you'll have to attack him before or wait till after he's transformed to attack him.

The dash move is an evasive dash. kinda like morrigan's but without the afterimage. Wouldn't want anyone thinking he's got Akuma's teleport ability LOL!

Thrust has no AI and I don't plan on giving him any (I'm not fond of super AI controlled characters because when you use them, they override your control and pretty much fight on their own. Second, IF you guys are bitching about him being too powerful without AI, Imagine what a super or custom AI one would be like.)

So bottom line, I'll fix the hit box issue but dammit!! you earth germs had either better learn to avoid or block or call the Autobots to help you!! LOL!!


LOL! Alright Ryochi we understand but don't get too crazy we don't want nothing to get started around here (argument wise).


But anyways keep it up Man! :goodmood:


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