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Project Kratos


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Yeah thanks about that. I was thinking if you would mind doing some pallets of him for me, Kaguto. I could give you the link once I'm finished and you could do the pallet. I'm not forcing you, though but think about it. Some of the credit would go to you too

Sure man I'm finally back home so i'd be totally down



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not loving the helpers idea, but that's my personal opinion, But absolutely Digging the DBZ esc Styled Kratos, Nice Job & if Kaguto is to busy or doesn't feel up to it, id be more than happy to help out a creator & do a pallet set for him, but that's only as a last resort if Kaguto declines ,as i am on a Break from Request,but not palleting all together 

Then again I'll step back if brock wants a crack at it he's got mad skills in the pallet department but if i can help in anyway let me know.



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I'll think about it but I seriously should try doing a pallet myself. I never tried it. Anyways, thanks to both of ya Kaguto and Brock.



                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

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no problem were both here if u need any help 


Thanks bro anyways guys I did a new update on Kratos. I worked on his "Poseidon's Rage" move. Check that out and tell me that should I update it or not.





                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

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should I update it or not.

You can make him floating a bit because when Kratos unleashed his Poseidon Rage, he always floating




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  • 1 month later...

Hey, guys I'm here after a long time. Nearly two months. Read my status update for the reason. Also, I think you have read about the Kratos problem that I'm gonna write here. You see, when I came back which was yesterday, I saw that my computer had some problems starting up. So, I literally had to re-install my windows and I am just so angry at this computer. I was soooo dumb to put my Kratos project in the C drive. It just all went away in a flash and now I have to start it all over again and this topic is cancelled so PLEASE DON'T WRITE ANYTHING ANYMORE HERE. THIS IS JUST JUNK!!!! NOW I HAVE TO START ALL OVER AGAIN!!! God!! Just, don't put anymore posts here other than the response to this post. I'm gonna start working on mugen again within a couple of days.



                                      --------------------Don't even think of beating ME kakarot-----------------------

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