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Oni Inomura by Infinite

Krypto 'SAM' saiyaN

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MFG Thread : http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/oni-inomura-158269.0.html



One of my favourite character from Rage of the Dragons! Well not much to say since everyone knows how Infinite characters will play in mugen right :goodmood: So, enjoy :bye:


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@Sham Kryp

Man i can see you really like DBZ lol nice

My childhood memory :goodmood: I like both DBZ and Superman.


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Oni has been update today guys! Just click the MFG link for more info.


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hmm finally done huh?...lets if its a keeper for the stash


Like any of his characters aren't a keeper... Come on now Demon Kai, don't start talkin all big like Infinite's character ain't worthy to be in your roster, cus everybody knows his characters are well worth it. And besides, I'm sure the guy's characters are pretty much the best you have in your arsenal of characters. lol

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Like any of his characters aren't a keeper... Come on now Demon Kai, don't start talkin all big like Infinite's character ain't worthy to be in your roster, cus everybody knows his characters are well worth it. And besides, I'm sure the guy's characters are pretty much the best you have in your arsenal of characters. lol


NO. not all of them. they are not. in my book no. they are not. Ive been fan of his works since the beginning (times when folks talked crap about both of yall works when bugs were all over the screen n shit) but i dont have all of his characters. ive been following you guys work a long time now and not that yall put out wack shit but sorry the reality of it is i dont like all of the characters you guys put out. most YEAH. fact, But not all., Fact. Get off that ego man, im pretty sure infinite doesnt give a damn on what i download and what i dont of his.


As for my arsenal of characters? what are we 10 years old now? lol cmon man. this is mugen a freakin hobby. Your marco is better than your batsu imo. I like infinites Oni better than i like his recent Doom now imo^^. thats just my taste. are those worth keeping? yes. i like them. But is his cable worth me keeping in my roster? NO i dont like it. I have a ton other characters in my mugen that i like that  has nothing to do with yours or his characters. A lot of rajjaaboy,pots,buckus,dcat,jmorphman and others......


Focus on that yamazaki R@ce get to work man.,...youre taking too long...chop chop! lol

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OH Lord, here we go, another Demonkai Essay (Puts on reading glasses lol)


I wasn't talking about mine or his older works. And besides everybody still downloads all of the older stuff, they love it. I don't know why, but they do. Oh and also bugs were not always over the screen with my past works. 


And I'm not on an ego trip and yes you can like whatever you like, or do whatever you do... IMO i just think that we pretty much know that it's already a keeper given how it plays and the history of his other works.


And if you don't like his Cable there must be somethin wrong up in that noggin or yours. Just play with the other cables in mugen then you'll see lol


But then again, given the stuff you like, I couldn't understand why you wouldn't like it. That is my point basically lol


Which brings me back to my main point, Stop all that big boi talking dude LOL 


Ain't nobody doing mugen stuff on your time bruh.... After all, it takes you years to make 1 character lol (Terry)


And don't worry about Yamazaki, he will be finished whenever I think he's finished besides, you got too much work on your end for the next 2 to 3 years to finish your next character.....That is, if you feel like Terry needs to be "awakened" a little more lol 

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lol I know you aint talking about ESSAYS bruh! dont let me copy paste all the recent shit said at MFG and at others IMT. You damn there up there with homie lando at this point so cut knock it off lol



I wasn't talking about mine or his older works. And besides everybody still downloads all of the older stuff, they love it. I don't know why, but they do. Oh and also bugs were not always over the screen with my past works. 



I know what you meant. im not slow. im just saying in general. from old. to 1.0 to present with the pots style. i aint kissing no ass like i like everyones works entirely. im just not a asshole like some folks going around talking about it all the time in threads and forums and YOU KNOW THAT. Again i like Most but not all of you and that dudes works. Plain n simple. no need for me to front and i never did.





And I'm not on an ego trip and yes you can like whatever you like, or do whatever you do... IMO i just think that we pretty much know that it's already a keeper given how it plays and the history of his other works.


You do have an ego. me and lando and others laugh at it all that time. its funny shit though. youre like the Rick flair er somethin of mugen. but eh oh well it is what it is. I didnt say in any form it was trash so dont make it seem like thats where that was going....i said a few words and you zeroed in on it like it mattered to you and it totally was going to be the law if demonkai doesnt like it....You took what i said and kinda jumped out the funny window with it...bugged out bruh



And if you don't like his Cable there must be somethin wrong up in that noggin or yours. Just play with the other cables in mugen then you'll see lol



Dude stop coming at me like im one of those trolls crying in threads about what they dont like. whats good with that? i just brought that up to make a statement since we jabbin again and  point out  that no i didnt like it like that and pretty much and i aint kissin ass in so many words. was the cable trash?? NO. i just wasnt feelin it. so?? And im well aware theres other cables out there. Ive been into mugen 10 + years now. you didnt see me trippin in Infinite thread about that cable release man. hell i was still giving more of a shit at the time about his 1.0 ryu and B jenet ......Im just being real. i dont like all of yall stuff just like i dont favor all of pots stuff. mind you all of his stuff are well made. but do i like them all to keep and main in my mugen like that? hell no....



But then again, given the stuff you like, I couldn't understand why you wouldn't like it. That is my point basically lol



REALLY? LOL you sound like an ass right now and just made yourself sound stupid. So me liking Pots,buckus,Dcat,Vyn,rajjaaboy,infinite and even jmorphman is a BAD TASTE now?? so i guess the latest two characters youve done including the new one youre working on are completely shit then youre saying? smdh.....youre talking to demonkai bruh...im not some kid that just got on to mugen. crack jokes but at least make them funny man seriously lol cuz that statement made no sense man....what WAS YOUR POINT? lmao smh




Which brings me back to my main point, Stop all that big boi talking dude LOL 



Brotha im in my 30s man....mugen...i repeat.. is a current hobby to me....maybe if i was 13 years old this all would be "big boi talk"...this aint JHS [email protected] back to reality my man lol.





Ain't nobody doing mugen stuff on your time bruh.... After all, it takes you years to make 1 character lol (Terry)


And don't worry about Yamazaki, he will be finished whenever I think he's finished besides, you got too much work on your end for the next 2 to 3 years to finish your next character.....That is, if you feel like Terry needs to be "awakened" a little more lol 


Exactly. You create and finish shit when you feel like it right? you just countered your own pointless comment. I always tell you hurry up because yap too much. haha im eddie murphy haha! smdh




And don't worry about Yamazaki, he will be finished whenever I think he's finished besides, you got too much work on your end for the next 2 to 3 years to finish your next character.....That is, if you feel like Terry needs to be "awakened" a little more lol 


Of course it took that many years. Due to pc crashes and me losing hours of work. me learning things on my own without a good old coding buddy to kiss on and oh yeah....LIFE....oh yeah that thing  that is called life is way more important and fun than mugen my man especially when its women and partying involved...so yeah i suck bad at fast moojin projects....aww boo fuckin hoo :( lol
Terry been finished my man...i see youre still updating those twertles tho :=D: ...who said it was a limit to updates? or are we slow on remembering that too? it depends on the creator. if youre busy or you didnt spot bugs or coulding fix them before and now you can then why not? again so what? if mugen is more important to you than life, working, youre girlfriend, kids or whatever else hey thats youre deal man...
So My terry is  about as awake and loud as your TMN twertles bro! :troll: ,,,,,,,,,now.....get back to work on Yamazaki...before the MFG mob spanks ya over there lol the text jab session is over 

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Oh look I struck a nerve OHHHHHHH SNAP! LOL 


Ummmm Yeah I have done a lot of talking as of late but I don't have a history of walls of text in the past like some do Hint Hint


And by the way, Me and Lando laugh at you my friend. Especially about how you are about Terry lol


Oh also when I said, "Given the stuff you do like, i wouldnt understand why you wouldnt like it"


Dude re-read that.... How do I sound stupid  if I'm saying if you like that other stuff then why wouldn't you like something that is the same "hence pots, j-morph, etc.... So yeah it sounds like I make perfect sense to me


I'm not even going to go all into in that other stuff you said, because your just puttin words out there that I didnt even say. 


Like I said, big boi talking as usual. Me Yapping = no, me coding = yes. LOL You Yappin = yes, you coding = bahahahaa! 


And no ego is here, I was just messin wit ya but I see I struck a nerve so I will stop before it gets out of hand lol

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R@ce trust me you didnt hit no nerve lmao. TRUST lando cracks jokes on you and when im in the mood i like to counter shit you say when im bored....i read everything you just said but honestly this isnt my or your thread. I miss read part of what you posted on what i like too fast and responded poorly but anyway,,, Im already past whatever whats going on at this point.....i just dont like all of the characters that come out. most yeah but not all....end of story




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R@ce trust me you didnt hit no nerve lmao. TRUST lando cracks jokes on you and when im in the mood i like to counter shit you say when im bored....i read everything you just said but honestly this isnt my or your thread. Im already past whatever whats going on at this point.....i just dont like all of the characters that come out. most yeah but not all....end of story





After all that writing you did, it looks like I must have but okay whatever. Oh and trust me, even if he does, he most certainly does the same thing about you too bruh lol Sorry I'm just sayin ;p

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Im playing the game just as you are right now since you gotta have the final word....so later is later. but since youre baiting i guess ill have fun with this and bite....why not


Me and lando speak a lot...verbally..I hear everything. so ill just say he has jokes but trust me the funniest subject is you...If  he did crack a joke it might have been about how many times i update my terry. thats no secret. what else?...hmm with you i cant say the same...but uh yeah...This is mugen R@ce and at the end of the day i really dont care. but do know i can go back n forth with you 20 pages if i feel like it though until some mod gets annoyed. but i wont....just putting that out there.....



anyway hows that project with you and Skelo coming along with CVS mickey?...im more interested in that right now...

does he have a wip thread?


*changed subject on purpose*

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Boi oh Boi Kai ditto lol


If your willing to go 20 pages, you'll be doing it by yourself without me included. Its not that serious at all and If you think about it, I always mess you like this so there is no need to act like that lol


Mickey is coming along just fine. I was inputting more sprites the whole time while I looking at all the comments lol

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Boi oh Boi Kai ditto lol


If your willing to go 20 pages, you'll be doing it by yourself without me included. Its not that serious at all and If you think about it, I always mess you like this so there is no need to act like that lol


Mickey is coming along just fine. I was inputting more sprites the whole time while I looking at all the comments lol


lol you know me and you can jab for days man. no feels here man...i aint trippin.


but seriously though that mickey is lookin hot. i peeped it on MFFA FB. didnt know skelo had skills with that sprite vibe. what type is he going to be code? The r@ce style (you know like you did with the turtles and cage wip) or is it going to be like the current pots style?




my bad folks...i should derail this release topic anymore. 


back on topic....


I saw infinite updated the small portrait face and some other things to the character.

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