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Posts posted by SuperCatFooz

    This character is a RELEASE CANDIDATE, meaning anything could change for the 1.4 release.  

     Honestly, the title says it all.


    Here's one of 10p VS some special mode.

    MUGEN Version: 1.0 Only 

    AI Type: Easy
    (Once I figure out how to code an AI correctly, I'll add it in.)

    Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BywEpBcJVCrNRHFlN0tXd0tjSmc
    (Sorry about the huge file size. You can compress sprites, but not sounds.)

    Random Info:

    So this character has been worked on (and updated quite a bit) since August.  It is not 100% complete, but it's getting there. This is also my first serious, non-edit character that I actually like.

    Super has a ton of different "modes", which are active depending on the palette.

    Palettes 1-4: Regular Mode
    Palette 5: "Buff" Mode: Adds very slight regen
    Palette 6: YOLO Mode: Insta-KO's himself on Round 1.
    Palette 7: IWBTG Mode: Sets health to 0.
    Palette 8: Golden Mode: Slowly auto-charges power.
    Palette 9: (9) Mode: Changes effects of the character. (Still in WIP)
    Palette 10: Crazy Mode: One of the "Holy Trinity" modes.  Grants Super a new Standing and Crouching moveset, infinite HP, invulnerability, etc.
    Palette 11: Dark Excellent Mode: One of the "Holy Trinity" modes. Creates two Supers, but is less powerful than Palette 10.
    Palette 12: Obligatory Mode: Same as Palette 6, except on every round.

    Yeah, no wonder the file size is so large.

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