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Posts posted by Annonith

  1. Of course we will get used to it. We always do, thanks to browser addons, greasemonkey scripts etc.

    But complaining about things we don't like is a part of human nature. We like to express our opinion when we know many others will agree with us, because it's a nice feeling knowing there are others who are pissed off as much as you are. Sharing the pain helps us withstand it.

    So in conclusion: I had a crappy day and I'm gonna say this to feel better:


  2. 1. OP AI + OP DMG combo. Challenge is good, but when I have to "spam counters and pray" to win it's hardly fun 2. Unkillable chars. 3. Rape/hentai chars. When I want to watch pr0n, I watch pr0n not play fighting game. On the other hand I really like boss chars. Not "OP moveset and tons of HP" boss but rather "I have a certain attack pattern that you have to avoid and I'm left open in certain times" boss, sorta like old Megaman games. I enjoy fights when I have to think and change my tactics, not spam the same combos I use on every other fighter.

  3. Posted Image

    This was about 5 years ago still on winmugen - 99 rounds until Himan came and kicked my ass. Didn't manage to top that one yet with any character. I'm more proud of a fact that I managed to sit and play mugen for about 2 - 3 hours straight rather than score coz it's not really a big deal to get high score with dbz char.

  4. Yes I downloaded it. I downloaded it just now the second time to be sure. I know I'm viewing the new version because it has voices. I still stand by all I said - these problems still exist. Jumping attacks are broken. I CAN do riddiculus projectile spam and here is a screenshot to prove it:

    Posted Image

    And if you don't know what I mean with the light punch - just stand next to the enemy and mash x as fast as you can. Also press ctrl+c to view hitboxes. You'll see what I mean.

  5. I know this is your first char but you COMPLETELY ignored the bugs and problems I pointed out in your help thread that is: - jumping attacks are still messed up and never end - taunt doesn't have hitboxes - you can still spam projectiles. I know now it requires power bar but c'mon I can pull out ~70 hit combo by just spamming projectiles when I have full power bar. You don't do things like that - stand light punch is still messed up (I can spam x so fast I will never enter frame with clns1) - also while we are on stand light punch - why the first frame doesn't have clns2? I know I'm not the best programmer in the world (I'm much much closer to the title of the worst) but don't ignore people that tries to help you. As it stands out your char still needs some work.

  6. ...or it could be just that somebody had a virus on his PC, didn't know, made a char for mugen, released infected zip on their forum, google tracked down where the viruses are coming from and blocked them? I dunno, everything is possible.

  7. Did some adjustments and AI fixes. Not that anybody cares :cry: Please somebody help a guy out. I'm not asking you to keep him in your Mugen, just to test it and tell me how much of a piece of crap this char is and how can I make him less of a piece of crap :bow:

  8. [Preview]

    Posted Image


    Mugen 1.0 : http://www.mediafire.com/?sa3jhk32cn15nn2

    Winmugen: Download 1.0 version and then apply this patch: http://www.mediafire.com/?jpsz3993w23628b



    It's Balrog from Cave Story turned into a giant frog... You know what, why am I even explaining this? Everybody and their mother played Cave Story, and if you didn't, well then what is wrong with you?

    Warning: this is a boss character. It is not meant to be played by human. I tried to make him as close as possible to Balfrog from Cave Story, but since in that game you use guns to kill stuff it is kinda hard to defeat him here. I made some adjustment so it is possible, but it's still kinda hard. If you played Cave Story you should know that he has only one weak spot and it is the same here so - good luck.

    Also: If you don't want Balfrog theme to play during the fight or you experience some kind of problems with it check out config.txt

    Enjoy, and please post any bugs or suggestions here.

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