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    jaderlemes reacted to GohanSSM2 in noob question   
    Using AILevel > 0 and Lifeset states it can be done in MUGEN 1.0 and later.  The player is AILevel = 0 and the AI is from AILevel 1 to 8.  The life is set at the top of the cns file in the character and I have seen it set to 10000 before,  You could set the life = 10000 in the cns and then add a -2 state at the bottom of the cns that goes something like this...
    [State -2,player]
    type = LifeSet
    trigger1 = time = 0
    trigger1 = 189 < stateno > 199  ;intro states
    trigger1 = AILevel = 0  ;player is AI zero
    value = 1000
    This would start the AI out at 10000 and if playing as the character would drop the character down to 1000 life
    Could also use LifeAdd instead of LifeSet in the above example.  Look in the sctrls html doc in MUGEN's DOCS folder.  If using a LifeAdd type then use value = -9000 would do the same thing almost unless you had multiple intro states.
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