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Posts posted by SSJKJ


    (Due to a number of personal reasons I have not been able to take time out to finish certain requests but if you really wish to have a request done just pm me and I'll try to make time and to those I still had requests from I deeply apologize. I will still be making palettes but not as frequent as when I first started.)
    Ok guys I decided it was time I started sharing some palette creations with you all I hope you all like them any feedback is welcome.
    Goku z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster
    Evil Goku, Shin Goku, Super Saiyan God Goku
    (Seen a few people attempt this but it was all just hair color changes and never anything major so I decided to make a proper palette for him.)
    rk6lar.jpg348qdr7.jpg 2zqtnpw.jpg
    Vegeta z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster
    Alternate black outfit (from the games), Good Vegeta, Good Vegeta Ssj, Super Saiyan God Vegeta
    (If you guys are confused about the evil Goku, good Vegeta and shin goku well shin Goku is based off of a small fan-made newgrounds series and the other two are inspired by the goku versus series by theredheadhenry on youtube. And yes SsjG Vegeta it will happen.)
    123mt6v.jpg 288ujx3.jpg 2lwx6br.jpg 20gfpr4.jpg
    Ssj Goku z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster
    Battle Damaged, Evil Goku, Shin Goku, Kaguto Custom Halloween version, Goku Jr., Super Vegito
    (Fixed his colors up a bit and made his wristbands and hand colors match up so it looks like actual gloves)
    35nc0ms.jpg 287fbzn.jpg 35henn8.jpg 2co1mhc.jpg 59ucdw.jpg 5x3ep4.jpg
    Ssj3 Goku by SANKITI
    Kaguto Custom, Super Kaioken, Evil Goku, Dark Goku
    jb44lg.jpg rqxd00.jpg 2ajqpv5.jpg 6pxa9z.jpg
    Legendary Super Saiyan Akuma by ANONYMOUS_data-Demon
    Super Saiyan God
    (A fate worse than hell.)
    Yatogi Tetsu by XCB
    Kaguto Custom
    (This was my first ever palette change I ever did back when Tetsu was a crazy character to have in mugen.)
    Kung Fu Man Inspired
    One for Goku z2, Tetsu, Ssj3 Goku and Ryu by Phantom.of.the.Server edited by Infinite
    34hj5zd.jpg 2lk44l4.jpg 27zhlio.jpg 2urtrlz.jpg


    Yo!!!! Love your work man! But, I have a question. Every palette except for SSJG Goku Z2 is working for me. And I really don't know why. I've done the KFM, I've done Broly and Vegeta, but this one is the only one that won't work, and of course it's the main one that I want XD. I've put in everything correctly, but all that I get is an all-blue Goku. That's it! Nothing but blue, and I don't even get it lol. Please help me out... :confuse:

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