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  1. I COULD help. I have converted some characters over to the SSB code (It's rather simple), although only two so far; Oshawott and Geno. However, as of now, my hard drive is playing up a bit, so it will sometimes automatically delete files (It'll be sorted soon though), including some of my Mugen characters. When I get it sorted, I'll let you know.

    Alright, excellent!

    I'll figure out how we're going to work on this project.

  2. I'm working on to expand K.Y-Shanxi's modification of Super Smash Bros. M.U.G.E.N and was wondering if anyone would be willing to collaborate to help convert Kung Fu Man over with the coding of Ness in the download, or editing the screenpack.  I plan to get an official release whenever the whole screen pack and the character is converted over, along with a new default stage.




    Please let me know either via this topic or a private message as soon as you can if you are good at either screenpacks or characters.

  3. bandicam_2014_12_30_13_31_06_987_by_yosh


    Ok, for my Smash Bros. M.U.G.E.N project, I have ran into a part where I'm gonna need some help. If you notice the series icons (M) next to the percentage, they are red and blue. I'm trying to change the color of these logos, but I cannot find the palette in Fighter Factory, so I assume it's color coded somewhere in the files.


    If someone knows how to fix this, please help!

  4. you pasted it in the wrong spot


    in a character, there's already a -2 place called


    [statedef -2]


    first search that in your character's cns file that has it, because copying the code from the smash bros system might end up with a duplicate [statedef -2], which asks for a state controller


    well thats what i remember.....


    Alright, I finally got some character to work, thanks!

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