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Posts posted by jiangyingzi

  1. Since this thread began Super Fighter Team has created versions of all the characters in this game.  However, they are each uniquely coded to work specifically with SFT's version of Tough Guy.  (Which you should download, by the way, because it's awesome.)

    I did try exporting some of the characters to generic MUGEN, but at first they were unplayable until I changed toughguy.bns in the character .def file to common1.bns.  They can then be used, but they have some issues...

    * They do very low damage.  SFT changed them to have health scores in the hundreds instead of the standard thousand, and the damage they do reflects this.


    * Hit detection is wonky.  Their attacks hit once for every frame of contact instead of just hitting once per red box.  It helps even their dinky damage, but only by a bit.

    * Sometimes the characters leave clones of themselves on the screen.  The clones do not attack but can be hit.  Otherwise they just stand there.

    * The characters' strikes do not make sounds when they hit an enemy.

    I'm working on correcting these issues to create generic versions of the characters, but my MUGEN-fu is beginner level.  Any advice is welcome.

    But again, if you are interested in these characters you should download the SFT game immediately!

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