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Posts posted by Berb

  1. Hey Guys! here's a compilation of every SF3 character, I tweaked some values to make them consistent. I tried to put the most accurate version of each and every character and updated their size to fit a 16:9 ratio.
    Contains every character & stage from SF3 + some SF characters that didn't make it but are in the SF3 style.

    Download Link

    Q: Why are the portraits small?
    A: You are either using Mugen or an old version of Ikemen


    Q: Is 4:3 possible?
    A: Yep! you just need to go into the characters .def file and remove the localcoord, if there is 2, uncomment the other one

    Q: Can I use this for normal MUGEN?
    A: Yep! you need to do what the last question says and also remove the line "portraitscale = 1"

  2. Just recently joined in the mffa discord, was going to add my profile link to get the member role, and when I come back, the server is gone. Is there anything I did wrong? I didn't even have enough time to post a message.


    Discord Username : Berb#8327

  3. I'm currently starting a mugen collection and been trying to organize every one by which game they are from, and trying to be as accurate as possible to those games. The collection threads really help alot with this but most links are usually dead links. I want to make this collection so its easier for people to download bulk by series, because usually if you want that, you would have to either find a full game recreation of that series or download each character one by one in the collections.


    Currently I'm almost done finishing up the entire street fighter series, and working on a non-MKP mortal kombat chars.
    If anyones willing to help, post here



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