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Posts posted by snail

  1. Hai guiz - Kaito here with some art for ya. I'd like a bit of input on em, because I'm trying to become a graphic designer. I'm even going to Full Sail university next year for college, because it's the top art school in the entire US.

    Let's cut to the chase though shall we?

    Here's some of my Traditional art first. Some are requests by people, Some are Originals, and one is a birthday present for a friend.

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    And here's some digital art for ya. I only recently started using a tablet (about a week ago), so most of these are drawn with a mouse, if you can believe it.

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    That's most of my works so far, but I may update this post when I make more. Or, you can see my entire gallery and image details in my deviantArt gallery.

    Tell me what you think!

  2. I believe it has something to do with its predecessor. When the Wii came out, it was a disappointment to any hardcore gamers who only play games like...Call of duty or...God of war...Street Fighter... Assassins Creed ETC. I agree, the Wii could've been better, but that's no reason to blame the Wii-U for it. The Wii-U has been made better for people like hardcore gamers, with games like Tekken and Assassins Creed now released for it. And this all comes from a PlayStation fan boy. I actually wouldn't mind having a Wii-U.

  3. Lots of practice dude, trust me, once u get the hang of it, you'll be drawing digitally as if ur drawing on paper.

    I still draw on paper though, but I dont have a scanner so its all in my drawing book haha

    It just seems like it's hard, Y'know?

    Your lines are so clean and straight, and I have a problem drawing a straight line for 2 seconds :P

    I'll have to practice for months before I start to get the hang of doing things like that with ease.

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