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Posts posted by DanteTFL

  1. First of all, sorry for my bad English xd


    So, I'm not a coder but I like to edit some chars, and in my mugen game I wanted to add gintoki (jus style) but I figured something, there are 2 versions of this char, the Mikel version, more funny and humoristic and another version more serious and with other cool features.


    So, I thought "why not take the funny gintoki and add a transformation in his serious mode?" The two versions have the same sprites  so I looked for some tutorials and I was able to do it so far, i merge both animation and sprite files and I successfully got a normal (not serious) gintoki, so i only needed to make the transformation itself and I got stuck.


    So far I was able to changing the stand animation when the plates press x, but when the char do something in that state (for example, crouch) when it should come back the "serious" stand animation it only come Back to the normal stand.


    so I'm so lost and I would like some tips or help, thanks so much 

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