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  1. LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/glc2o95ahsvx7wf/Marvel+Infinity+Tournament+HD+by+Manoleto16.rar/file
  2. Hi everybody! Unlike the previous ones that I uploaded, this one does not have a story mode for the simple fact that Mugen 1.1 is not compatible with the tool to create a story mode. It does include an elaborate Arcade mode with Intros and Endings for each character. It has about 70 characters and stages. This game is more pleasing to the eye as it is in HD. The characters and setages are not my own. I take this opportunity to congratulate their creators for their work, as well as the lifebars and the screenpack, which are from the user Devon. Inside the "Recursos" folder there is a file of type "Ico" in case you want to create a shortcut for "mugen.exe" and use a more characteristic icon. Also, in the "Data" folder, inside the "MTHD" folder, there is a folder called "Storyboards" with various Select some specific characters to use in Arcade mode and have specific fights (For example if they use Captain America, in arcade mode they will meet Red Skull, Winter Soldier, USAgent, etc.). Hope you like! Devon's website: https://network.mugenguild.com/devon
  3. The game has about 60 characters, 55 stages and an extensive story mode that covers the most emblematic fights of each hero, ending with a final mission facing Thanos. As in my other Mugens created, the story does not strictly follow any line (Comics, series, movies, etc.). Instead, I put it together by taking a little of everything. If any fight is very difficult for you to overcome, just press F1 and advance in the story, in which I tried to give a little prominence to all the heroes, going through the classic Avengers, the X-Men, Spider-Man until the Guardians of the Galaxy. The game file is 1.83 GB. Anyway, I hope you like it. I leave the download link below. LINK: http://www.mediafire.com/file/qmd8ibd3fgpske4/Avengers_M.U.G.E.N.rar/file PS: The characters and settings were not created by me, so the credits go to their own authors, who I take the opportunity to highlight their great programming work. The base screenpack is from "Logansam". I just put them all in the game and the story mode.[/VIDEO]
  4. Hi, how are you guys? The truth is that working at Mugens became my quarantine hobby haha. Today I leave this one of the best comic heroes of all time, Spider-Man. The game, in addition to the classic Mugen modes, includes a story mode. Obviously with Spidey as the protagonist. There is also a special Venom chapter. It comes with about 30 characters and about 30 stages with music. And just like I said with Mortal Kombat Mugen, if any battle becomes too difficult for them, they just press F1 and move forward in the story. The characters and stages are not mine, I just put the game together with Story Mode. The plot is not faithful to any 100% Spidey timeline or universe, I just kept taking certain parts and skins until the game left. I leave you a video and the LINK below: LINK https://www.mediafire.com/file/qzx164bnhd3ejn2/Spider-Man_M.U.G.E.N_Game_by_Manoleto16.rar/file -In the folder "Comics" inside the folder of the game, there is a file of type "ico", that the icon that I made of the game for direct access. -Sorry for my bad english, I still learning the language Hope you enjoy it!
  5. Hi everybody, hoy are you? It is the first time that i share something in this forum (I guess). This is a Mortal Kombat Mugen with story mode. They are all "Toon Edits" type characters, mainly those of Fabrytaz and Chuchoryu. It's not that I don't like the MK Project type, but I'm a little tired of seeing that kind of chars. Scenarios there is a bit of everything, more than anything we see in Mortal Kombat 1,2,3,4,9 and X. Some characters have different Skins that allowed me to adapt them to Story Mode making them more interesting. For example, Sub-Zero starts with its original identity (Bi-Han) and ends with that of Kuai Liang and its different variants. Notes... -The story of the game is not the true one at all, I invented it based on the stories of Mortal Kombat 1,2,3 and 4, with gages of 9 and 10. -If any fight gets very difficult for you, just press F1 and exterminate your opponent how Thanos half the population. I was able to get past the game's story mode without pushing it but I admit some AI are very hard to beat. I would like to know how to make them simpler to make the game more fun. -The game has kinematics, sometimes a bit long, but it is so that they can read the content in peace. In cinematics that see the red "START" button, simply press it to advance to the fight, if the button does not appear, it is that the cinematic continues with another image. -In the game possibly they find a bug, I from my basic programming knowledge, tried to eliminate them as much as I could. If something happens in combat, press F4 to restart the fight or F1 to win it. ----.Excuse me if you find any spelling mistakes haha sometimes I made things a bit rushed. And all this post was made in spanish and translate with google. -The characters Li Mei, Chameleon, Kira, Kobra and Kronika are in the game, but not the story mode. Surely later I will get a kind of DLC with an extra chapter where they appear. -I want to thank and congratulate the creators of the Screenpack from this medium (I used the E.O.F Custom from Noz). And to the creators of the Chars and Stages, because they are honestly great. Without more to say, try it and comment to see how it is. LINK: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mwapc412h54nvvn/Mortal_Kombat_Stories_M.U.G.E.N.rar/file Some Pics:
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