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Posts posted by TotallyNotASkeleton

  1. 20 hours ago, Nep Heart said:

     Set a variable with the specific amount of time you want it to be whenever you enter the transformation state . Let's say we want to it last 10 seconds, so, set whatever var chosen for this to a value of 600. In statedef -2, place a varadd that will add -1 to the specific var that was set during transformation for every frame the form continues to exist.


     Once you exit the state where transforming occurs, the timer is now set for 600 ticks/10 seconds. When the timer reaches 0, have the character enter a detransformation state whenever ctrl is on, preferably putting the changestate in statedef -3 with triggers like "trigger1 = var(#) <= 0" and "trigger1 = ctrl".


     You should be familiar with variables before attempting anything like this however.

    Thanks for the help

  2. Apologies for the (somewhat)vague thread title but, how do you code in KH2 Drive Form esque transformations? I have this KH2 Sora that I've heavily edited, and I want to make this Sora as faithful to the original game as possible. To do this, I have to attempt to make the aforementioned Drive Forms. The raw Sora files already had Drive Forms(Both Wisdom and Limit) implemented, but they lasted for as long as you wanted once transformed, unlike the game which gave you a limited time to be in these forms(Hence the reason why I made this thread). So with all that said, do any of you know of any ways on how to help me with this?(I can give you the files to my Sora if need be.)

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