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Posts posted by Tyler

  1. Can't load sounds

    For some reason a character i was working on awhile ago won't load the sounds in FF3, i get this error when trying to "run the current project in mugen"

    Error message:
    Could not open file: Tsuna.snd
    Error loading chars/ff3_0/ff3_0.def
    Error loading p1

    Now "Tsuna.snd" does exist... and the character works 100% with sound perfectly when loaded through mugen itself.

    i can even manually open the sound file in FF3 and play them all, but it still gives that error when launching the character.

  2. ; Start
    [Statedef 230]
    type = S
    movetype = A
    physics = S
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 230
    poweradd = 0
    [State 0, VelSet]
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = time > 9
    x = 0.3
    y = 0
    [State 230, 1]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = AnimElem = 4 || AnimElem = 6 || AnimElem = 8 || AnimElem = 10 || AnimElem = 12 || AnimElem = 14
    attr = S, NA
    damage = 5,2
    getpower = 30, 15
    givepower = 15, 7
    guardflag = MA
    pausetime = 5,4
    sparkno = -1
    guard.sparkno = s7000
    hitsound = S0,5
    guardsound = S0,8
    ground.type = High
    ground.slidetime = 12
    ground.hittime = 15
    ground.velocity = -2
    air.velocity = -2,-2
    [State 0, ChangeState]
    type = ChangeState
    Triggerall = time > 20
    trigger1 = command = "a"
    value = 231
    ctrl = 1
    [State 0, ChangeState]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = Animtime = 0
    value = 234
    ctrl = 0
    ; Continue
    [Statedef 231]
    type = S
    movetype = A
    physics = S
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 231
    poweradd = 0
    [State 0, VelSet]
    type = VelSet
    trigger1 = time >= 0
    x = 0.3
    y = 0
    [State 231, 1]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = AnimElem = 1 || AnimElem = 3 || AnimElem = 5 || AnimElem = 7 || AnimElem = 9 || AnimElem = 11
    attr = S, NA
    damage = 5,2
    getpower = 30, 15
    givepower = 15, 7
    guardflag = MA
    pausetime = 5,4
    sparkno = -1
    guard.sparkno = s7000
    hitsound = S0,5
    guardsound = S0,8
    ground.type = High
    ground.slidetime = 12
    ground.hittime = 15
    ground.velocity = -2
    air.velocity = -2,-2
    [State 231, ChangeState]
    type = ChangeState
    triggerall = time > 14
    trigger1 = command = "a"
    value = 231
    ctrl = 1
    [State 231, ChangeState]
    type = ChangeState
    ;trigger1 = Animtime = 0
    trigger1 = time > 100
    value = 234
    ctrl = 0
    ; Finish
    [Statedef 234]
    type = S
    physics = N
    juggle = 0
    poweradd = 0
    ctrl = 1
    anim = 234
    sprpriority = 2
    velset = 0,0
    [State 234, 3]
    type = Changestate
    trigger1 = animtime = 0
    value = 0
    ctrl = 1
  3. I tried


    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = time = 50

    value = 234

    ctrl = 0


    but its not working because i have


    [state 0, ChangeState]

    type = ChangeState

    triggerall = time > 14

    trigger1 = command = "a"

    value = 231

    ctrl = 1


    resetting the state at > 14


    so it never gets high enough for that one to work.


    is there a better trigger to use?

  4. I want to make an attack where you continuously press a button to keep attacking

    basically i want to keep the character in the same state as long as the player is continuing to press the A key (or whatever button)

    how would i do that?

  5. oh i dont even know why i had that changestate there it didn't need it.


    but i removed that




    i changed it to timebased but nothing different happened, its still sticking around


    and by adding ignorehitpause=1 do you mean inside the DestroySelf or the helper because i already had it there. (and tried it in the DestroySelf nothing happened)

  6. well idk... i want to get the same effect as hitpause but make sure the helper works like i want it.


    right now i have it destroying itself at animtime = 0 and that works fine as long as you don't actually hit anything with the attack but when you do the helper sticks around after the move is already finished.


    maybe i did something wrong heres the code

    ; Super Gatling
    ;Super Gatling Start
    [Statedef 260]
    type = S
    physics = S
    velset = 0,0
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 260
    poweradd = -1000
    [State 0, SuperPause]
    type = SuperPause
    trigger1 = time = 0
    time = 20
    movetime = 20
    anim = -1
    sound = -1
    pos = 32,-80
    darken = 0
    unhittable = 1
    [State 0: EnvShake]
    type = EnvShake
    trigger1 = (AnimElem = 1, > 0)
    time = 20
    freq = 120
    ampl = -2
    phase = 50
    [State 0, Super Charge]
    type = Explod
    trigger1 = Time = 0
    anim = 7400
    ID = 7400
    pos = 0,-25
    sprpriority = 2
    supermove = 1
    removetime = -2
    bindtime = -1
    ownpal = 1
    scale = .5,.5
    removeongethit = 1
    ontop = 1
    supermovetime = 999
    ignorehitpause = 1
    [State 260, 3]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = time = 50
    value = 261
    ctrl = 0
    ;Super Gatling Continue
    [Statedef 261]
    type = S
    movetype = A
    physics = S
    velset = 0,0
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 261
    [State 0, Helper]
    type = Helper
    trigger1 = AnimElem = 1
    name = "Gatling Fists"
    ID = 510
    stateno = 510
    pos = 50,0
    postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right
    facing = 1
    keyctrl = 0
    ownpal = 0
    supermovetime = 0
    pausemovetime = 0
    ignorehitpause = 1
    [State 261, End]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = time = 100
    value = 263
    ctrl = 0
    ;Super Gatling Fists
    [Statedef 510]
    type = S
    movetype = A
    physics = S
    velset = 0,0
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 510
    sprpriority = 3
    [State 240, 1]
    type = HitDef
    trigger1 = (AnimElem = 1, > 0)
    attr = A, SA
    hitflag = MAF
    guardflag = M
    animtype = Back
    air.animtype = Back
    priority = 5, Hit
    damage = 50,5
    pausetime = 0,10
    ;guard.pausetime = 5,8
    sparkno = -1;S6111
    guard.sparkno = s7000
    sparkxy = -30,-50
    hitsound = S3,20
    guardsound = S0,8
    ground.type = Trip
    air.type = Trip
    ground.slidetime = 30
    guard.slidetime = 1
    ground.hittime = 30
    guard.hittime = 1
    air.hittime = 30
    yaccel = 0.45
    ground.velocity = -7,-6
    guard.velocity = -3
    air.velocity = -8,-5
    airguard.velocity = -5,-3.7
    ;ground.cornerpush.veloff = -5
    fall = 1
    envshake.time = 20
    envshake.freq = 180
    envshake.ampl = -4
    envshake.phase = 90
    [State 0, DestroySelf]
    type = DestroySelf
    trigger1 = animtime = 0
    [State 510, End]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = animtime = 0
    value = 263
    ctrl = 0
    ;Super Gatling End
    [Statedef 263]
    type = S
    physics = S
    velset = 0,0
    ctrl = 0
    anim = 263
    [State 263, 3]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
    value = 0
    ctrl = 1
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