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Posts posted by seijura

  1. I dont know where to post this. please move it if I'm in the wrongs section. my problem is my z button attack is spammable and I dont know how to adjust it to atleast make it use until the animation is done. here is my code:



    Command Z

    [State -1, Command Z]

    type = ChangeState

    value = 210

    trigger1 = command = "z"

    trigger1 = statetype !=A

    trigger1 = ctrl



    ;Command Z

    [Statedef 210]

    type = S

    movetype= A

    physics = S

    juggle = 4

    poweradd= 30

    ctrl = 0

    velset = 0,0

    anim = 210

    sprpriority = 1


    [State 0, Projectile]

    type = Projectile

    trigger1 = animelem = 1

    ProjID = 201

    projanim = 520

    projhitanim = 1

    projscale = 1,1

    projremove = 1

    projhits = 1

    projpriority = 4

    projsprpriority = 3

    velocity = 5,0

    offset = 42,-30

    postype = p1 ;p2,front,back,left,right


    ; HitDef


    hitflag = MAF ;HLAFD+-

    guardflag = MA ;HLA

    animtype = light ;light,medium,hard,back,up,diagup

    air.animtype = light

    priority = 4,Hit

    damage = 5,1

    pausetime = 0,4

    sparkno = s520

    ;guard.sparkno = 0

    sparkxy = 0,0

    hitsound = 0,0

    guardsound = 0,0

    ground.type = Low

    air.type = Low

    ground.slidetime = 15

    ground.hittime = 20

    ground.velocity = -4,-3

    air.velocity = -4,-3

    ground.cornerpush.veloff = 0

    guard.velocity = 0

    air.cornerpush.veloff = 0

    down.cornerpush.veloff = 0

    guard.cornerpush.veloff = 0

    airguard.cornerpush.veloff = 0

    fall = 1

    hitonce = 1

    envshake.time = 8

    envshake.freq = 120

    envshake.ampl = 2


    [State 210, 5]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = command = "x" && time > 11

    value = 201

    ctrl = 0



    [State 210, 5]

    type = ChangeState

    trigger1 = AnimTime = 0

    value = 0

    ctrl = 1


    thanks for the help in advance.

  2. I dont know if this is the right section. I'm planning to make my sprites using pencil and paper. how do I make my drawing into pixel sprites.

    Is there a tutorial? I cant find any on the web. does anyone here uses this method? if so please guide me. thanks.

  3. Someone in this group can be my mentor for making a mugen project.

    I really need one for my thesis. I need someone to enlighten me. no age limit as long as you 

    are diverse in mugen.

    I'm using mugen 1.1b1

    thanks guys in advance ^_^

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